CADRE Fellowship program 2010-2011
The CADRE Fellowship, now in its second year, is a capacity building experience for early career researchers and developers to gain exposure to STEM education research and researchers working beyond the Fellow's particular project and institution, network with colleagues from across the country, and gain insights into NSF and what it takes to be successful and effective in this work. Fellowship activities include attending the 2010 DR K-12 PI Meeting held December 1-3 in Washington, D.C., participating in a series of calls on topics related to career development, engaging in the content of a special interest group or working group, and contributing content to the CADRE web site. A cohort of up to 10 individuals will be selected to participate for the 2010-2011 year. Participants will receive a $1,000 stipend to cover travel and lodging for the PI meeting.
As noted by Fellows from prior years,
"I now feel like I am capable of learning more about how to participate in and contribute to the science education community and the NSF science community at large."
"Going to the PI meeting last November was a great opportunity and enabled me to meet and network with researchers in my field and in adjacent fields."
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications must be received by no later than Thursday, September 23, 2010. Nominees and PIs will be notified of CADRE's decision by Thursday, September 30, 2010.
Download an application form which includes additional information on the CADRE Fellowship program and selection criteria. A complete list of program activities is available here. Learn more about the 2009-2010 Fellows by reading their bios and responses to last year's PI meeting.