
Ted Fowler
Ted Fowler Email Discipline Specialist (Education) Professor University of Cincinnati (…
Eric Klopfer Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Robert Slavin Robert Slavin is currently Director of the Center for Research and Reform in Education at Johns Hopkins University, part-time Professor at the Institute for Effective…
Christopher Harris Email Senior Researcher in Science Education SRI International…
Senior Researcher in Science Education
David Birchfield Dr. David Birchfield is an Associate Professor in the School of Arts, Media and Engineering at Arizona State University. He serves as the lead for K-12 Embodied and…
Associate Professor
Uri Wilensky Email Educator Professor Northwestern University (NU…
Katherine Perkins Katherine Perkins is Director of the PhET Interactive Simulations Project and Associate Professor of Physics (Attendant Rank) at the University of Colorado at Boulder…
Director, PhET Interactive Simulations and Professor of Physics
Leilah Lyons
Chris Rogers Chris got all three of his degrees at Stanford Univ., where he worked with John Eaton on his thesis looking at particle motion in a boundary layer flow. From Stanford, he…
Cory Buxton Cory Buxton is Professor and Program Chair of Science & Mathematics Education at Oregon State University. His research fosters more equitable science learning…
Martin Simon Email Other Professor New York University (NYU…
Paola Sztajn Paola Sztajn is a professor of Mathematics Education in the Department of Elementary Education. She teachers mathematics methods courses for prospective and practicing…
Zaur Berkaliev Email Discipline Specialist (STEM) Associate Professor California…
Associate Professor
Thomas Carpenter University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison)
Beth Covitt Email Research Assistant Professor University of Montana…
Research Assistant Professor
Mitchel Resnick Mitchel Resnick, Professor of Learning Research at the MIT Media Lab, develops new technologies and activities to engage people (especially children) in creative…
Daniel Zalles I specialize in research, development, assessment, and evaluation projects devoted to presenting students with place, data, and inquiry-based STEM learning opportunities,…
Senior Educational Researcher
Kimberly Brenneman Email Assistant Research Professor Rutgers University (RU) National…
Assistant Research Professor
William Gerace
Janis Bulgren Janis Bulgren, Ph. D., is an Associate Research Professor at the University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning and Courtesy Assistant Professor in the Department of…
Associate Research Professor
Christine Hailey Christine Hailey is a Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and an Associate Dean in the College of Engineering at Utah State University.…
Associate Dean
Margaret Cozzens I am a Mathematician who has operated at the interface of mathematics, computer science, and education. I habe been an administrator at all levels of higher education.…
Research Professor
Edward Silver Email Discipline Specialist (STEM) Professor University of Michigan (UM…
David Beer
David Beer David Beer joined The Center for Elementary Mathematics and Science Education as ethnographic evaluator in 2003. His work at the center has included: providing strategic…
Co-Director, School Support Services
Chris Quintana Chris Quintana is an Associate Professor of Learning Technologies in the School of Education at the University of Michigan. His research focuses on learner-centered…
Associate Professor
Emily Minor
Nicola Norman
Ron Tzur
Ron Tzur Email Educator University of Colorado Denver Learning…
Kristin Gunckel Email Educator Assistant Professor of Science Education…
Assistant Professor of Science Education
Tom Moher
Tom Moher Email
Joo Young Park Email Discipline Specialist (Education) Doctoral Student Purdue…
Doctoral Student
Karen Brennan Email Other Associate Professor Harvard University…
Associate Professor
Douglas Adams Email Educator University of Kansas (KU) 21st Century…
Christina Gupfinger
Jaci Queen
Jaci Queen I am currently teaching Biotechnology and Advanced Biotechnology at the High School level. I am interested in working together with other schools and business. I am also…
Barbara Trujillo I am currently facilitating a mid-high school mathematics teacher study group/PLC. I just earned a Ph.D. in Mathematics Education with a dissertation on the Principal…
Elizabeth Manning Email Technology
Michelle Cirillo Michelle Cirillo, a former high school mathematics teacher, is now an associate professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Delaware. Her…
Assistant Professor
Suzanne Elgendy Email Other American Museum of Natural History (AMNH)…
Aaron Rogat Email Educator Columbia University Science
Vanessa Peters Vanessa Peters, Ph.D., is an education researcher at SRI International’s Center for Technology in Learning. Her research focuses on how emergent uses of technology can…
Education Researcher
Mike Ryan
Mike Ryan Mike is a research scientist at the Center for Education integrating Science, Mathematics, and Computing (CEISMC), Georgia Tech's K-12 outreach center. Additionally,…
Senior Researcher
Jeff Rosen
Jeff Rosen Email Other Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech…
Mary Koppal Email Other American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS…
Jamie Mikeska Jamie N. Mikeska completed her Ph.D. in the Curriculum, Teaching, and Educational Policy graduate program at Michigan State University in 2010. Since 2013, she has served…
Associate Research Scientist
Natalia Espino Email Administrator Engineering
Ian Beatty
Ian Beatty Email Discipline Specialist (STEM) Assistant Professor University of North…
Assistant Professor
Anna Newsome Anna Newsome serves as a Program Coordinator within CEISMC for SLIDER (Science Learning Integrating Design, Engineering, and Robotics). She received a Bachelors of…
Susan Yoon
Susan Yoon Dr. Yoon is pursuing several lines of research including investigating curricular applications and learning outcomes of using social network graphs in decision-making about…
Assistant Professor of Education
Martha Allexsaht-Snider Martha Allexsaht-Snider is an Associate Professor in the Department of Elementary and Social Studies Education at the University of Georgia. Her research…
Associate Professor