
SPIRIT 2.0: Silicon Prairie Initiative for Robotics in Information Technology 2.0 SPIRIT 2.0: Silicon Prairie Initiative for Robotics in Information Technology 2.…
STEM Sea, Air, and Land Remotely Operated Vehicle Design Challenges for Rural, Middle School Youth STEM Sea, Air, and Land Remotely Operated Vehicle Design…
Collaborative Online Projects for ELL Students (COPELLS) Collaborative Online Projects for ELL Students (COPELLS) 0918832…
Environmental Innovation Challenges: Teaching and Learning Science Practices in the Context of Complex Earth Systems Environmental Innovation Challenges: Teaching…
Youth-based Program Impact on Education and Career Choices: An Exploration of Issues in Planning and Implementing Longitudinal Research Youth-based Program Impact…
Tool Systems to Support Progress Toward Expert-like Teaching by Early Career Science Educators Tool Systems to Support Progress Toward Expert-like Teaching by…
Developing an Online Game to Teach Middle School Students Science Research Practices in the Life Sciences (Collaborative Research: Gagnon) Developing an Online…
Developing an Online Game to Teach Middle School Students Science Research Practices in the Life Sciences (Collaborative Research: Baker) Developing an Online…
Developing an Online Game to Teach Middle School Students Science Research Practices in the Life Sciences Collaborative Research: Metcalf) Developing an Online…
Improving Teacher Preparation and Student Learning through Physics Education Research Improving Teacher Preparation and Student Learning through Physics Education…
Invigorating Statistics Teacher Education Through Professional Online Learning (InSTEP) Invigorating Statistics Teacher Education Through Professional Online…
Developing the Science Comprehensive Online Learning Platform for Rural School Science Teacher Development Developing the Science Comprehensive Online Learning…
Teaching Students to Reason about Variation and Covariation in Data: What Do We Know and What Do We Need to Find Out? Teaching Students to Reason about Variation…
Identifying Critical Characteristics of Effective Feedback Practices in Science and Mathematics Education Identifying Critical Characteristics of Effective…
Scientific Role-playing Games for 21st-Century Citizenship Scientific Role-playing Games for 21st-Century Citizenship 0746348…
Strengthening STEM Teaching in Native American Serving Schools through Long-Term, Culturally Responsive Professional Development Strengthening STEM Teaching in…
STEM for All Collaboratory: Accelerating Dissemination and Fostering Collaborations for STEM Educational Research and Development STEM for All Collaboratory:…
Spanning Boundaries: A Statewide Network to Support Science Teacher Leaders to Implement Science Standards Spanning Boundaries: A Statewide Network to Support…
Workshop on Materials Science and Materials Engineering Education - Educating the Enablers of Tomorrow's Technologies Workshop on Materials Science and…
Advancing Coherent and Equitable Systems of Science Education Advancing Coherent and Equitable Systems of Science Education 1920249…
Human Variance and Assessment for Learning Implications for Diverse Learners of STEM: A National Conference Human Variance and Assessment for Learning…
Cyber-enabled Design Research to Enhance Teachers' Critical Thinking Using a Major Video Collection on Children's Mathematical Reasoning (Collaborative Research: Derry…
AutoMentor: Virtual Mentoring and Assessment in Computer Games for STEM Learning AutoMentor: Virtual Mentoring and Assessment in Computer Games for STEM Learning…
Scaffolding Understanding by Redesigning Games for Education (SURGE) Scaffolding Understanding by Redesigning Games for Education (SURGE)…
A Research-Practice Partnership for Developing Computational Thinking through Linguistically and Culturally Relevant CS Curriculum in Middle School A Research-…
Calipers II: Using Simulations to Assess Complex Science Learning Calipers II: Using Simulations to Assess Complex Science Learning 0733345…
Elicitory Test Design: A New Model for Understanding the Relationship Between Test Item Features and Student Performance on Large-scale Assessments Elicitory Test…
CAESL2008: International Conference on Assessment for Learning in Mathematics and Science CAESL2008: International Conference on Assessment for Learning in…
CAREER: Supporting Model Based Inference as an Integrated Effort Between Mathematics and Science CAREER: Supporting Model Based Inference as an Integrated Effort…
Assessment for Learning Research Scholars: Capacity Building in Mathematics and Science Education Assessment for Learning Research Scholars: Capacity Building in…
ASSISTments Meets Inquiry ASSISTments Meets Inquiry 0733286 This project addresses middle school students’ learning of…
Improving the Teaching of Genetics in High School to Avoid Instilling Misconceptions about Gender Differences (Collaborative Research: Riegle-Crumb) Improving the…
Responding to a Global Pandemic: The Role of K-12 Science Teachers Responding to a Global Pandemic: The Role of K-12 Science Teachers 2027397…
Developing a Suite of Standards-based Instructionally Supportive Tools for Middle School Computer Science Developing a Suite of Standards-based Instructionally…
Understanding the Role of Lesson Study in K-12 Mathematics and Science Teacher Education Understanding the Role of Lesson Study in K-12 Mathematics and Science…
Preparing Teachers to Design Tasks to Support, Engage, and Assess Science Learning in Rural Schools Preparing Teachers to Design Tasks to Support, Engage, and…
Enhancing Energy Literacy Through Place-based Learning: Using the School Building to Link Energy Use with Earth Systems Enhancing Energy Literacy Through Place-…
How Deep Structural Modeling Supports Learning with Big Ideas in Biology (Collaborative Research: Capps) How Deep Structural Modeling Supports Learning with Big…
Reaching Across the Hallway: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching Computer Science in Rural Schools Reaching Across the Hallway: An Interdisciplinary…
Geological Construction of Rock Arrangements from Tectonics: Systems Modeling Across Scales Geological Construction of Rock Arrangements from Tectonics: Systems…
Exploring Changes in Teachers' Engineering Design Self-Efficacy and Practice through Collaborative and Culturally Relevant Professional Development Exploring…
Developing a Modeling Orientation to Science: Teaching and Learning Variability and Change in Ecosystems (Collaborative Research: Peake) Developing a Modeling…
Developing a Modeling Orientation to Science: Teaching and Learning Variability and Change in Ecosystems (Collaborative Research: Lehrer) Developing a Modeling…
Co-learning Math Teaching Project: Collaborative Structures to Support Learning to Teach across the Professional Teaching Continuum Co-learning Math Teaching…
Supporting Science Learning and Teaching in Middle School Classrooms through Automated Analysis of Students' Writing (Collaborative Research: Passonneau)…
Supporting Science Learning and Teaching in Middle School Classrooms through Automated Analysis of Students' Writing (Collaborative Research: Puntambekar)…
SimSnap: Orchestrating Collaborative Learning in Biology through Reconfigurable Simulations (Collective Research: Puntambekar) SimSnap: Orchestrating…
Improving Evaluations of STEM Programs: An Empirical Investigation of Key Design Parameters Improving Evaluations of STEM Programs: An Empirical Investigation of…
Building Networks and Enhancing Diversity in the K-12 STEM Teaching Workforce Building Networks and Enhancing Diversity in the K-12 STEM Teaching Workforce…
Developing and Researching K-12 Teacher Leaders Enacting Anti-bias Mathematics Education (Collaborative Research: Heaton) Developing and Researching K-12 Teacher…