
The recent revisions to the advanced placement (AP) chemistry curriculum promote deep conceptual understanding of chemistry content over more rote memorization of facts and algorithmic problem solving.…
New technologies are increasingly giving science teachers the ability to access and customize science lessons. However, there is substantial debate in the literature about whether and under what…
This brief gives an overview—and by no means a comprehensive one—of several NGSS-aligned projects in the areas of curriculum, instruction, assessment, and professional development. This brief gives an…
This qualitative study examined how and why research experiences for teachers (RETs) influenced middle and high school science teachers’ beliefs, attitudes, and values about teaching science as inquiry. Changes teachers…
The Practicum Academy to Improve Science Education (PRACTISE) is a professional learning program to support scientific argumentation in grades 3-5. This handbook provides detailed information on how to conduct a series of…
Following the launch of Spotlight on Online & Blended Professional Development (PD), CADRE convened awardees representing 11 DRK-12 projects in a series of activities designed to elicit and form consensus around…
Presentation on ViSTA at the 2017 NARST conference in San Antonio, Texas. The ViSTA Plus project is a multi-year preservice teacher education program for elementary teachers that spans the methods course, student teaching…
This tool is designed to help teachers reflect on a lesson they observed and guide effective, learning-focused mentoring conversations. Science Professional Development…
This article describes a four-step strategy used in our professional development program to help elementary science teachers recognize and create lesson plans with coherent conceptual storylines. We…
In this article, authors introduce the design of a science teaching video club and present a study of its implementation. Science education stakeholders worldwide are engaged in efforts to support…
This study begins to reframe the deficit approach to research in science teaching by privileging the experiences elementary teachers have had with science – both in and out of schools – throughout their lives. This work…
This blog post includes the link to 4 videos of teachers using the project's middle school ecosystems unit. Kastel, D. (2017, August 25). Classroom videos from disruptions in ecosystems unit [Blog post…
Disruptions in Ecosystems is a middle school curriculum unit with supporting teacher materials. The unit includes five chapters, each focused on a specific phenomenon related to ecosystem disruption, including questions…
This resource provides access to a classroom video of a lesson from the project's middle school ecosystems unit, and the related student scaffold and scoring rubric. American Museum of Natural History…
This study utilized the methodology of Improvement Science “Plan, Do Study, Act” cycles in order to design a Three-Dimensional Mapping Tool (3D Map) as a visual scaffold for use in science teaching methods courses to…
The MEL project has developed a set of teaching resources to support the teaching of controversial and/or complex Earth and space science topics. The MEL project has developed a set of teaching…
Features approaches for leveraging PCK research in STEM learning across formal and informal settings. Smith, P. S., Plumley, C. L., Hayes, M. L., & Esch, R. K. (2018). Personal and Canonical PCK: A…
In this article, the authors outline the main components and the iterative design process we undertook to ensure that the professional supports are relevant and effective for teachers and children. High…
An investigation of elementary teachers’ noticing of students’ ideas and their thinking surrounding their noticing practice. Efforts toward improving K-12 science education emphasize teachers noticing…
This study presents a theoretically grounded set of codes to systematically document the various aspects of teacher learning and change (knowledge and beliefs, professional learning community, resources) in lesson study…
This article describes key features of a hybrid professional development (PD) program that was designed to prepare elementary classroom teachers to mentor preservice teachers for effective science instruction…
This article focuses on the impacts of a program designed to prepare elementary classroom teachers to mentor preservice teachers for effective science instruction. This article focuses on the impacts of…
Authors describe the design principles of iPlan, a web-based tool provides access to educative curriculum materials in an online interactive learning platform, and discuss implications for designing educative and online…
Authors discuss how teachers used MECMs and whether that use impacted their beliefs about the practice of scientific argumentation. Recent reform efforts in science education include a focus on science…
Authors report on the use of bilingual constructed response science assessments in the context of a research and development partnership with secondary school science teachers. We report on the use of…
This article discusses supporting inquiry in an online learning environment. Jaber, L. Z., Hufnagel, E., & Radoff, J. (2019). “This is Really Frying My Brain!”: How Affect Supports Inquiry in an…
In this Journal of Science Teacher Education article, Jarod Kawasaki and William Sandoval report on one teachers’ efforts to re-design an entire instructional unit as a coherent storyline about forces and motion as a part…
From 2012–2015, Advanced Placement (AP) science courses underwent a large-scale curricular reform to include more scientific inquiry and reasoning, reduce emphasis on broad content coverage, and focus on depth of…
A workshop to be presented at the Association of Science Teacher Educators International Conference. Hapgood, S., Wilson, G., Heuring, J. & Czerniak, C. M. (Accepted for January 2020). 3DLA: Three…
A poster to be presented at the Association of Science Teacher Educators International Conference. Hapgood, S., Heuring, J. & Wilson, G., Czerniak, C. (Accepted for January 2020). Early Childhood…
Paper presented at the European Science Education Research Association. Czerniak, C. M., Kaderavek, J., Paprzycki, P., Hapgood, S., Mentzer, G., Molitor, S., & Mendenhall, R. (2019). Longitudinal…
Paper presented at the Global Conference on Education and Research. Czerniak, C. M., Paprzycki, P., Hapgood, S., & Kaderavek, J. (2019). Longitudinal Impact of Early Childhood Science Instruction on…
Paper presented at the Society for Research on Child Development Conference. Hapgood, S., Paprzycki, P., Czerniak, C.M. (2019). Scientific Inquiry for Young Children: Linking Teacher Professional…
A free middle school science program that supports teachers in the effective instruction of an NGSS-aligned, EQuIP-reviewed body systems curriculum unit. Includes the complete middle school science curriculum…
The context for this study was an intervention that provided professional development (PD) for preschool (pre-K) and kindergarten (K) teachers and science engagement activities for families. The research sought to…
In this study, authors examine the consequences of within-school churn for the pedagogical content knowledge of elementary teacher participants in an NSF-funded science PD program. There is growing…
This article describes one effort to strengthen early childhood teaching in schools on the Navajo Nation that centers the work of two teachers within a program attempting to support teachers in the development of…
This study explores how a design combining social capital mechanisms with essential teacher learning and PD characteristics supported teachers’ abilities to participate in the online course and collaboratively build…
This article presents lessons learned from an ongoing attempt to conceptualize, develop, and refine a way for teachers to gather formative assessment evidence about classroom argumentation as it happens…
High School Science Classroom Practice Curriculum Disciplinary Content Knowledge Professional Development…
High School Science Broadening Participation Professional Development A sustained professional development program designed…
High School Mathematics Science Technology Classroom Practice Curriculum Disciplinary Content Knowledge…
High School Science Professional Development Science, Engineering, Engineering & Mathematics Teaching in Rural Areas using Cultural…
Elementary School Science Broadening Participation Professional Development Despite widespread agreement about the…
Middle School Science Cognitive Science Curriculum Disciplinary Content Knowledge Professional Development…
Special issue of the Journal of Science Teacher Education focused on out-of-field teaching in science. Special issue of the Journal of Science Teacher Education focused on out-of-field teaching in…
Science teachers must sometimes teach outside of their expertise, and this type of teaching assignment is referred to as being out-of-field. Among newly hired teachers, this type of assignment may have a detrimental impact…
Middle School Computer Science Engineering Mathematics Science Curriculum Disciplinary Content Knowledge…