
2010 PME-NA Annual Conference Conference You are cordially invited to participate in the thirty-second Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International…
2011 Annual NCSM Conference Conference More Information Available at  Look for these DR K-12 grantees who…
2011 National Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) Conference Conference AMTE’s Annual Conference provides an opportunity for members to share current…
Submission Deadline for "Fostering Mathematical Reasoning" Issue of Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School Other Submission information is available at http://…
Submission Deadline for "Fostering Flexible Mathematical Thinking" Issue of Mathematics Teacher Other Submission information available at…
Agile Mind, Inc. Business/Industry An Architecture of Intensification: Building a Comprehensive Program for Struggling…
PI Meeting Session
Gaming to Learn Panel Engineering Educational Technology Mathematics Gaming/Virtual Environments Science…
PI Meeting Session
Algebra in Early Mathematics: What is Critical? Panel Algebra Mathematics Elementary School…
PI Meeting Session
Opportunities and Challenges for Developing and Evaluating Diagnostic Assessments in STEM Education Panel Assessment Mathematics Science…
PI Meeting Session
Supporting Implementation of the Common Core State Standards Panel Mathematics Standards In the Summer of 2010 a joint task…
PI Meeting Session
The Scalability and Sustainability of Professional Development: Challenges in Preparing Mathematics PD Facilitators Panel Mathematics Professional…
PI Meeting Session
New Web-based Tools to Help Students (and Teachers) Who Find STEM Content Challenging Product Feedback Session Educational Technology Mathematics…
PI Meeting Session
Analyzing Early Algebra Learning Progressions for Grades 3-8 Product Feedback Session Algebra Mathematics…
PI Meeting Session
Developing Diagnostic Assessments of STEM Learning: Key Decisions and Alternative Approaches Panel Assessment Mathematics Science…
PI Meeting Session
High School Algebra Panel Panel Algebra Mathematics High School The panel will present an…
PI Meeting Session
Algebra SIG Special Interest Group (SIG) Algebra Mathematics Open to all grantees The group will continue discussions…
PI Meeting Session
Interactive Visualizations, Simulations, and Games for Science and Math Learning: Comparing Goals, Affordances, and Challenges across Approaches Structured Poster Session…
PI Meeting Session
Training Teachers in the Effective Mathematical and Pedagogical Uses of Software: Perspectives from the Dynamic Number and Dynamic Geometry in Classrooms Projects Panel…
PI Meeting Session
Plenary Presentation: Policy Initiatives in STEM Education Plenary Engineering Mathematics Science Technology…
Math Pathways & Pitfalls: Capturing What Works for Anytime Anyplace Professional Development Students Elementary School Teachers Middle…
Math Snacks: Addressing Gaps in Conceptual Mathematics Understanding with Innovative Media Elementary School Middle School High School…
Project M2: Maturing Mathematicians-- Advanced Curriculum for Pirmary Level Students Elementary School Mathematics…
Identifying Critical Characteristics of Effective Feedback Practices in Science and Mathematics Education Elementary School Middle School High School…
Changing Curriculum, Changing Practice High School Mathematics Albert Cuoco…
Researching Science and Mathematics Teacher Learning in Alternative Certification Models High School Mathematics Science…
Transition to College Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics Christian Hirsch
Interactive Ink Inscriptions in K-12 (INK-12) (Collaborative Research: Rubin and Koile) Elementary School Middle School Mathematics…
Mapping Developmental Trajectories of Students' Conceptions of Integers Elementary School Middle School Mathematics…
Professional Development for Culturally Relevant Teaching and Learning in Pre-K Mathematics Pre-Kindergarten Mathematics…
Introducing Dynamic Number as a Transformative Technology for Number and Early Algebra Elementary School Middle School Mathematics…
Developing, Researching, and Scaling Up SmartGraphs Elementary School Middle School High School Mathematics…
Researching Mathematics Leader Learning Elementary School Middle School High School Mathematics…
Beyond Bridging: Co-Education of Preservice and Inservice Elementary Teachers In Science and Mathematics Elementary School Mathematics…
Simulation and Modeling in Technology Education (SMTE) Middle School High School Engineering Mathematics…
Examining Coaching in Elementary (K-8) Mathematics Classrooms Elementary School Middle School Mathematics…
A Longitudinal Examination of Children's Developing Knowledge of Measurement: Mathematical and Scientific Concept and Strategy Growth from Pre-K through Grade 5 Elementary School…
CAREER: Teaching Practices That Support Fraction-Based Algorithmic Thinking Elementary School Middle School Mathematics…
Supporting Staff Developers in the Implementation of Professional Development Programs to Improve Mathematics Education for Students with Disabilities Elementary School…
An Architecture of Intensification: Building a Comprehensive Program for Struggling Students in Double-period Algebra Classes High School…
Closing the Math Achievement Gap for English Language Learners: Technology Resources for Pre-algebra Middle School Achievement Algebra…
Conference on Research on the Enacted Mathematics Curriculum Elementary School Middle School High School Curriculum…
Cyber-enabled Design Research to Enhance Teachers' Critical Thinking Using a Major Video Collection on Children's Mathematical Reasoning (Collaborative Research: Derry)…
Engaging Youth in Engineering Module Study Middle School Engineering Mathematics Science…
Evaluation of the Cognitive, Psychometric, and Instructional Affordances of Curriculum-embedded Assessments: A Comprehensive Validity-based Approach Elementary School…
Iterative Model Building (IMB): A Program for Training Quality Teachers and Measuring Teacher Quality Elementary School Teachers…
Mathematics Instruction Using Decision Science and Engineering Tools High School Engineering Mathematics Science…
Supports for Science and Mathematics Learning in Pre-Kindergarten Dual Language Learners: Designing a Professional Development System Pre-Kindergarten…
The NextBio Project: A Student Collaboratory for Biology Cyberlearning Middle School High School Biology Engineering…
Teachers' Use of Standards-based Instructional Materials Middle School Mathematics Karen King…
2011 STEMtech Conference Conference The League for Innovation in the Community College is proud to announce its second annual STEMtech conference, October 2 - 5, 2011, at…