
Authors discuss student dimensions of expertise when engaged in modeling and simulation practices and describe how students used their cognitive and metacognitive knowledge to approach a computational challenge…
Authors describe an alternative model of online math videos that feature unscripted dialogue of secondary school students, who convey sources of confusion and resolve the dilemmas that arise during problem solving…
Authors describe the design principles of iPlan, a web-based tool provides access to educative curriculum materials in an online interactive learning platform, and discuss implications for designing educative and online…
Authors discuss how teachers used MECMs and whether that use impacted their beliefs about the practice of scientific argumentation. Recent reform efforts in science education include a focus on science…
In recent years, prominent organizations have released large-scale policy reports on the state of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education in the United States, with particular emphasis on…
Test scoring procedures should align with the intended uses and interpretations of test results. In this paper, we examine three test scoring procedures for an operational assessment of early numeracy, the Early Grade…
NSF program directors provide information on the DRK-12 program and solicitation in this webinar. Watch a Recording of the 2019 DRK-12 Solication Webinar (use the bookmarks on left side of recording to…
This list of individuals and organizations providing evaluation services to DRK-12 projects is based on data entered by project members on the site. This list of individuals and…
In this article, authors argue for deliberate attention to clarifiable ambiguity as a critical aspect of attending to meaning and as a necessary precursor to productive use of student mathematical thinking…
This article looks at context-based approaches to science instruction. Authors studied the effects of changes to a set of secondary science teacher education programs, all of which were redesigned with attention to the…
In this article, authors discuss an online Earth science curriculum module called, “Will there be enough fresh water?” designed to engage students in thinking about uncertainty as part of writing scientific arguments…
The aim of this study was to assess evidence for the validity of General Mindset (GM) and Engineering Mindset (EM) surveys that we developed for fifth-grade students (ages 10-11). The aim of this study…
Authors describe a complementary way of studying the connections between different aspects of noticing, one that stresses the content of teachers noticing. They report on a study in which participants were shown depictions…
The purpose of the current study was to explore different ways for teachers to engage in Professional learning experiences (PLEs) and how these approaches might enable the field to scale up these efforts in a sustainable…
This paper illustrates how the combination of teacher and computer guidance can strengthen collaborative revision and identifies opportunities for teacher guidance in a computer-supported collaborative learning environment…
Authors discuss some of the affordances and constraints of using online teaching simulations to support reflection on specific pedagogical actions. In this chapter we discuss some of the affordances and…
In this article, authors demonstrate that line following via multimodal feedback is possible on touchscreens and present guidelines for the presentation of such non-visual graphical concepts. While text…
Authors investigate ways to support students in integrating their understanding of density concepts through a graph that is linked to a simulation depicting the relationship between mass, volume, and density…
The purpose of this study was to identify affordances and limitations of using order and value comparison tasks versus number placement tasks to infer students’ negative integer understanding and growth in understanding…
Authors share results from a quasi-experimental study that examines growth in students’ algebraic thinking practices of generalizing and representing generalizations, particularly with variable notation, as a result of an…
In this replication and extension study, we explore these issues, drawing on evidence from a multi-year study of over 200 fourth- and fifth-grade US teachers. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses of these data…
In this study, the authors propose and validate a model of adaptive expertise needed for teachers to successfully deliver NGSS-informed computer-supported complex systems curricula in high school science classrooms…
Authors report on the use of bilingual constructed response science assessments in the context of a research and development partnership with secondary school science teachers. We report on the use of…
This study offers a critical exploration of how to design instruction that simultaneously supports students' science and graph understanding within complex inquiry contexts. Inquiry instruction often…
In this article, authors present a comparative case study examining the epistemological framing dynamics of two novice urban teachers and argue that the stances that novice teachers adopt toward engineering learning and…
These slides were presented at the 2019 Annual International Conference of NARST in Baltimore, MD. Morales-Doyle, D., Frausto, A., Chappell, M.J., Childress-Price, T.L., Collins, D.A., Levingston, A.,…
These slides were presented at the 2019 Annual Conference of the National Science Teachers Association, St. Louis, Missouri. Morales-Doyle, D., Frausto, A., Childress Price, T., Chappell, M., &…
These slides were presented at the 2019 Annual International Conference of NARST in Baltimore, MD. Frausto, A., Morales-Doyle, D., Fitch, A., Hatch, S., & Nagy, K. (2019, April). Toward Youth…
This paper discusses the extent to which one case study elementary school child with identified learning disabilities (LDs) made sense of composite units and unit fractions. Students with learning…
The purpose of this report is to sketch a tentative theoretical structure with the potential to anchor curricular decisions and inform further research on early probability learning. The role of…
This article discusses supporting inquiry in an online learning environment. Jaber, L. Z., Hufnagel, E., & Radoff, J. (2019). “This is Really Frying My Brain!”: How Affect Supports Inquiry in an…
In this Journal of Science Teacher Education article, Jarod Kawasaki and William Sandoval report on one teachers’ efforts to re-design an entire instructional unit as a coherent storyline about forces and motion as a part…
To increase participation in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) studies and careers, some states have promoted inclusive STEM high schools. This study addressed the question of whether these high…
Inclusive STEM high schools (ISHSs) (where STEM is science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) admit students on the basis of interest rather than competitive examination. This study examines the central assumption…
The logic underlying inclusive STEM high schools (ISHSs) posits that requiring all students to take advanced college preparatory STEM courses while providing student-centered, reform-oriented instruction, ample student…
This lesson plan template centers the importance of including Elders and Environment in Indigenous STEM teaching and learning, and is a way for teachers to weave Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) and Western Science…
This resource focuses on engaging learners and their families in field-based science that connects family knowledge and place-based, student-led investigations. This tool, Rhizome, contains three…
A guide for how to use Histories of Place in planning and instruction. This resource serves as a guide for how to use Histories of Place in planning and instruction. Biology…
This graphic is designed to support students, teachers, and families in thinking across timescales to understand socio-ecological relationships to place across time. This graphic is designed to support…
In this article, authors explain how 114 years of Hawaiian-language newspapers starting in 1834 extend our knowledge of natural disasters into the nineteenth century and to precontact times. In this…
This brief describes how to support equity for students, teachers, and communities through place-based science education strategies. This brief describes how to support equity for students, teachers,…
Explore tips, resources, and toolkits on communication about research and development. Explore additional tips, resources, and toolkits on communication about research and development: Communicating…
This article reports on how three prospective teachers had differing opportunities to demonstrate their skills in the context of the field assessment, but similar opportunities in the context of the simulation assessment…
This article reports an efficacy study of an elementary engineering curriculum, Engineering is Elementary, that includes a set of hypothesized critical components designed to encourage student engagement in practices,…
This study investigates a formative feedback system integrated into an online science curriculum module teaching climate change. Application of new automated scoring technologies, such as natural…
This study analyzes the engineering design behaviors of 108 ninth-grade U.S. students using principal component analysis and cluster analysis. Engineering design is a complex process which requires…
This mixed-method study was designed to examine whether middle school students’ in-game actions are likely to promote certain types of learning engagement (i.e., content and cognitive engagement). Game-…
This study offers a large-scale snapshot of middle-grades teachers’ views of their students’ mathematical capabilities in the context of instructional reform. Background: Research suggests that teachers…
This document is the final evaluation report of the STEM Student Reporting Labs. Existing research indicates that engaging and sustaining youth interest in STEM subjects past elementary school remains…
This paper investigates how one elementary school child with specific visual motor integration differences constructed a unit fraction concept. Cognitive differences have historically led to deficit…