
This paper describes an innovative mathematics learning partnership that engages teachers and parents of multilingual children ages 7–10 from schools in underserved communities. At the center of this transformative work is…
In this article, we explore demands and tensions involved when schools implement ambitious mathematics teaching (AMT). In this article, we explore demands and tensions involved when schools implement…
This article provides a systematic review of the validity evidence related to measures used in elementary mathematics education. The review includes measures that focus on elementary students as the unit of analyses and…
Young children are naturally interested in light and shadows, thus providing a meaningful context to introduce preschool science investigations. As children explore how shadows are made and change, they also have…
Mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT) is a professional knowledge crucial for effective mathematics instruction, encompassing both content knowledge (CK) and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). The purpose of this…
This 2-year qualitative case study focuses on one emergent mathematics teacher leader, Mr. Miller, and his conceptualization of Social Justice Mathematics (SJM). SJM is a justice-oriented pedagogical approach where…
This study investigated upper elementary teachers’ framings of their students’ mathematical thinking in written across the three component skills of noticing. Drawing on a situated perspective, the research examines the…
Thoughtful and purposeful displays can support students’ participation in argumentation. This report addresses how displays are used within collective argumentation. We examined a secondary mathematics teacher’s and her…
In conversations about pedagogy, researchers often overlook how physical space and movement shape teacher sensemaking. This article offers a comparative case study of classroom videos using a dynamic visual method to map…
Williams, M. M. & Casa, T. M. (2011/2012). Connecting class talk with individual student writing. Teaching Children Mathematics, 18(5), 314-321.   When first graders seemed to understand symmetry, their teacher…
Stahl, G. (2012a). Designing a learning environment for promoting math discourse. Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Mathematical Education. ABSTRACT:  Mathematics education in the future faces…
Stahl, G. (2012c). Evaluating significant math discourse in a learning environment Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Mathematical Education. Seoul, Korea.   To mathematicians since Euclid, math…
In this theoretical research paper we describe a collaborative effort between researchers and university faculty to improve how teachers are prepared to teach middle school mathematics. Courey, S.J.,…
Courey, S. J., LePage, P., Siker, J. R., Blackorby, J. (2012). Engaging Preservice and Inservice Teachers In Middle School Mathematics: Using Dynabook to Shape Unconventional College Classrooms. Society for Information…
Chiu, J. & Linn, M. C. (2011). Knowledge Integration and WISE Engineering. Journal of Pre-college Engineering Education, 1(1), 1-14. ABSTRACT: Recent efforts in engineering education focus on introducing engineering…
On February 10th, 2012, five Fellows presented on the work of their projects. Many thanks to the presenters and to the audience of Fellows who followed up each presentation with great questions and discussion. Due to…
In 2010, the National Governor’s Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers published theCommon Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM) and to date, 44 states, the District of Columbia,and the U.S.…
The purpose of this compendium is to provide an overview on the current status of STEM instrumentation commonly used in the U.S and to provide resources for research and evaluation professionals. Part 1 of a two-part…
This brief suggests practical ways of engaging teachers and other “end-users” in projects that develop materials for education in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Projects described in this…
This article examines a collaborative study group's discussions about “revoicing,” an idea from linguistics that has been identified as an important discourse strategy in the teaching of mathematics as well as other…
Mathematics Science Presentation Elementary Cullen, C. Barrett, J…
This session describes a suite of instruments for measuring implementation of instructional materials and ways those instruments have been adapted to other materials and interventions…
Mathematics Presentation Elementary Barrett, J. Cullen, C. Witkowski, C…
Join the panelists from the plenary presentation to continue conversations about common standards in each of the STEM disciplines. Assessment Curriculum Equity…
In this article, we describe aspects of mathematical language that could be problematic to English-language learners, provide recommendations for teaching English-language learners, and suggest activities intended to…
Working from a large corpus of transcripts from secondary mathematics classrooms, we identify patterns of speech that encode interpersonal positioning. We extend our analysis from a previous article (Herbel-Eisenmann,…
Loving, C. C., Schroeder, C., Kang, R., Shimek, C., & Herbert, B. (2007). Blogs: Enhancing links in a professional learning community of science and mathematics teachers. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher…
Mathematics Presentation Elementary Barrett, J. Sarama, J. Clements, D…
Mathematics Teacher Practice Presentation Middle Debra I. Johanning…
Mathematics Learning Progression Presentation Elementary Barrett, J…
Mathematics Gaming/Virtual Environments Presentation Middle High William Finzer…
By synthesizing what has been learned with regard to critical dimensions of mathematics classroom teaching and learning, and investigating the ways teachers and other school personnel characterize high-quality mathematics…
Professional development environments that include digital video allow for the examination of children at work, opportunities to look at students over time, and analysis of the teacher’s decision making. This observation…
This is a 3-year project designed to build the preliminary components for investigating the impacts of early algebra education on students’ algebra readiness in middle grades. Algebra…
The National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings (DRL) maintains a portfolio of complementary programs aimed at improving science, technology, engineering, and…
This chapter focuses on research that can inform the improvement of mathematics teaching and learning at scale. In educational contexts, improvement at scale refers to the process of taking an instructional innovation that…
This report is an overview of the projects in the DR K-12 portfolio. This report is an overview of the projects in the DR K-12 portfolio. Engineering…
Barbara Chamberlin, with the NMSU Learning Games Lab, shares the Educational Game Design model developed at NMSU. The educational development studio involves content experts and game developers in their game design process…
Barbara Chamberlin, with the NMSU Learning Games Lab, shares the Educational Game Design model developed at NMSU. The educational development studio involves content experts and game developers in their game design process…
The Role of the Institutional Setting in Teachers’ Development of Ambitious Instruction in Middle School Mathematics Kara Jackson, Paul Cobb, and Kristin McGraner, Vanderbilt University Three DR-K12 projects report…
Content Mentoring of Middle Grades Math and Science Teachers and Its Impact on Teaching Efficacy: Establishing and Nurturing Effective Partnerships among University Faculty, Public School Administrators, and Classroom…
We examined children’s development of strategic and conceptual knowledge for linear measurement. We conducted teaching experiments with eight students in grades 2 and 3, based on our hypothetical learning trajectory for…
This is a research paper presentation. Mathematics Measurement Learning Progression Presentation…
The Role of the Institutional Setting in Teachers’ Development of Ambitious Instruction in Middle School MathematicsKara Jackson, Paul Cobb, and Kristin McGraner, Vanderbilt University Three DR-K12 projects report findings…
This practice brief makes a case for substantive partnerships between STEM education R&D projects and districts and schools. Produced by a CADRE work group of NSF-supported researchers and…
Mathematics Presentation Elementary McCool, J. Cullen, C. Barrett, J…
Mathematics Presentation Other Babette Moeller 2009