DRK-12 Research and Products

Publication | Drawing on a situated perspective on learning, authors analyzed written, open-ended journals of 52 pre-service teachers (PSTs) concurrently enrolled in mathematics and pedagogy with field experience courses for elementary education majors.
Publication | Research suggests that if students use viable argumentation in their middle school classes, then they will increase their complex mathematical reasoning and mathematics achievement. This is a 2-page infographic detailing the results…
Publication | In this article, authors demonstrate that line following via multimodal feedback is possible on touchscreens and present guidelines for the presentation of such non-visual graphical concepts.
Publication | This paper will describe the process and result of developing a LEGO robotics, NGSS, and 5E aligned middle school curriculum during a three-week summer PD program for teachers who teach urban students-of-color.
Tool | Tool for conducting classroom discussions.
Product for Educators | The Deep Structure Modeling (DSM) project addresses the pressing need to more effectively organize science teaching and learning around “big ideas” that run through disciplines. Big ideas are important tools for learning because they…
Publication | This paper investigates how one elementary school child with specific visual motor integration differences constructed a unit fraction concept.
Publication | This article discusses the implementation of innovative teaching approaches in mathematics.
Publication | Authors describe an alternative model of online math videos that feature unscripted dialogue of secondary school students, who convey sources of confusion and resolve the dilemmas that arise during problem solving.
Publication | Authors investigate in-service teachers’ scientific engagement in a blended online science inquiry course. A key implication of this study is the importance of instructional attention to epistemology and affect to create online learning…
Publication | The present report summarizes the analyses of the calibration data for the electronic Test of Early Numeracy (e-TEN), an adaptive, iPad-based test of early numeracy achievement.
Publication | Authors investigate ways to support students in integrating their understanding of density concepts through a graph that is linked to a simulation depicting the relationship between mass, volume, and density.
Presentation | Presentation slides and handout from the 2019 NCTM Regional Conference in Nashville, TN.
Publication | This paper describes a program to engage teachers to learn about mechatronics, robotics, and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) through hands-on activities and collaborative research.
Product for Educators | This website provides a growing repository of 360 videos of classroom instruction (currently focusing on elementary mathematics). We also have created and are disseminating tutorial videos for using or creating similar media.
Tool | It seems like there are new tech and social media tools coming out every day. So what’s out there? And how can these tools be used to enhance your work?
Product for Educators | EzGCM is a climate modeling toolkit that allows students to examine climate change using the same tools and following the same scientific processes as climate scientists.
Product for Educators | Proportions Playground is designed to build understandings of proportional reasoning.
Publication | This case study investigates U.S. eighth-grade (age 13) mathematics students’ conceptions about the validity of a direct argument after the students received instruction on the eliminating counterexamples (ECE) framework.
Publication | Authors describe the design principles of iPlan, a web-based tool provides access to educative curriculum materials in an online interactive learning platform, and discuss implications for designing educative and online systems for teacher…
Publication | This chapter describes curricula that use WorldWide Telescope in teaching key topics in Astro 101 and K–12 science, including parallax, Hubble’s Law and large-scale structure in the universe, seasons, Moon phases and eclipses, and life in the…
Tool | This document captures the ideas and experiences shared by DRK–12 awardees who attended a forum to explore different routes toward product sustainability. It includes notes on types of DRK-12 products, use and adoption of products, resources needed to…
Publication | The purpose of this study was to identify affordances and limitations of using order and value comparison tasks versus number placement tasks to infer students’ negative integer understanding and growth in understanding.
Presentation | Presentation slides from the 41st annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.
Tool | If you are developing a project communication plan, use these guiding questions to help you plan your approach and timeline for communicating about your work.