DRK-12 Research and Products

Publication | This article discusses the use of the Think Aloud strategy at the beginning of a lesson to model to students both the type of thinking that develops conceptual understanding, as well as how to share one’s thinking.
Tool | Three example mentoring plans from DR K-12 projects plus a mentee's feedback and evaluation of one mentorship. These resources are also featured in the Spotlight on Mentoring.
Publication | This paper makes a significant contribution to the growing field of digital inequality research by developing an operational definition of emotional costs. To examine this understudied aspect of digital inequalities, we build on Van Dijk’s…
Publication | Practitioner-focused article connecting research on argumentation to teachers' practice.
Product for Educators | Each short video provides ideas for family science activities for preschool-grade 3 students that reinforce NGSS 3D learning.
Product for Educators | This high school curriculum offers over 61 data-intensive Earth Science investigations, all set in real-world contexts and includes a variety of other activities, including topical fiction and non-fiction readings and research…
Publication | This CADRE brief looks at the key elements and broader impacts of mentoring a postdoctoral/early career researcher.
Publication | In this paper, we present lessons learned from a development process to conceptualize, design, and pilot a measure of teachers' PCK of argumentation.
Publication | Calls for increased focus on mathematical argumentation in school mathematics are critical for teacher educators charged with preparing prospective K-8 teachers (PST) to foster mathematical argumentation in their future classrooms. This is…
Product for Educators | This is a free resource to educate the public about Ebola. The website includes an interactive model that allows teachers, students, and community members to actively explore the factors that influence a disease’s spread and mortality…
Tool | DIA2 is a new visualization tool to search the NSF award database.
Publication | This brief explores factors that contribute to opportunity gaps in STEM education based on race, ethnicity, gender, ability, and socioeconomic status. It showcases the work of several DR K-12 projects and describes promising approaches for…
Presentation | In this webinar, presenters describe how the study of Complex Adaptive Systems through computer modeling and simulation fits into existing science frameworks and classes, share information about their program and curricula, and describe the…
Presentation | NSF Program Officer Karen King provides information on the DR K-12 program and solicitation in this webinar series.