
Refining a Vision of Ambitious Mathematics Instruction to Address Issues of Equity

Note: A previous version of this paper was presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Pre-Session in San Diego (April 2010) and the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association in Denver (April 2010).


Jackson, Kara

Cobb, Paul


Re-mythologizing mathematics through attention to classroom positioning

With our conceptualization of Harré and van Langenhove’s (1999) positioning theory, we draw attention to immanent experience and read transcendent discursive practices through the moment of interaction. We use a series of spatial images as metaphors to analyze the way positioning is conceptualized in current mathematics education literature and the way it may be alternatively conceptualized.


Wagner, D

Herbel-Eisenmann, B

Short Description

With our conceptualization of Harré and van Langenhove’s (1999) positioning theory, we draw attention to immanent experience and read transcendent discursive practices through the moment of interaction. We use a series of spatial images as metaphors to analyze the way positioning is conceptualized in current mathematics education literature and the way it may be alternatively conceptualized. This leads us to claim that changing the way mathematics is talked about and changing the stories (or myths) told about mathematics is necessary for efforts to change the way mathematics is done and the way it is taught.

Promoting Purposeful Discourse: Teacher Research in Mathematics Classrooms

How important is discourse in the mathematics classroom? Interest in this question has grown dramatically as mathematics education has recognized the role of communication in understanding. This book presents portraits of teaching by secondary school teachers who have closely observed classroom communication, conversation, and discourse and have sought to use them to improve the quality of their teaching and their students' learning.


Herbel-Eisenmann, Beth

Short Description

How important is discourse in the mathematics classroom? Interest in this question has grown dramatically as mathematics education has recognized the role of communication in understanding. This book presents portraits of teaching by secondary school teachers who have closely observed classroom communication, conversation, and discourse and have sought to use them to improve the quality of their teaching and their students' learning.

Professional Noticing of Children’s Mathematical Thinking

The construct professional noticing of children’s mathematical thinking is introduced as a way to begin to unpack the in-the-moment decision making that is foundational to the complex view of teaching endorsed in national reform documents. We define this expertise as a set of interrelated skills including (a) attending to children’s strategies, (b) interpreting children’s understandings, and (c) deciding how to respond on the basis of children’s understandings.


Jacobs, V.R.

Lamb, L.L.C.

Philipp, R.A.


Professional Learning Communities in STEM Teaching (Britton, Fulton)


Kathleen Fulton

Ted Britton

Short Description

In this session, participants discuss knowledge synthesis in process regarding STEM teachers’ participation in professional learning communities: What have we learned and what are the implications for other NSF projects?

Prepare and Inspire: K-12 Education in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) for America's Future

America is home to extraordinary assets in science, engineering, and mathematics that, if properly applied within the educational system, could revitalize student interest and increase proficiency in these subjects and support an American economic renewal, according to a new report from an independent council of Presidential advisors.




Plenary Presentation: The Opportunity Equation: Transforming Mathematics and Science Education for Citizenship and the Global Economy (Cahill)


Michele Cahill

Short Description

Cahill discusses the Carnegie-Institute for Advanced Study Commission on Mathematics and
Science Education’s recent report in which they challenge the nation to mobilize for coordinated action so that all students—not just a select few, or those fortunate enough to attend certain schools—achieve much higher levels of math and science learning.

Networks and Social Media for STEM Educators, Policymakers, and Researchers

In this pdf are STEM education networks and social media sources that may be of interest to DR-K12 grantees for the purposes of (1) disseminating knowledge and products and (2) developing partnerships with stakeholders and end users. These networks and social media were chosen because they provide researchers and developers with an opportunity to present their work to individuals that could use, promote, or improve the work.




Negotiating Identities for Mathematics Teaching in the Context of Professional Development

In this article, we present an analytical approach for documenting the identities for teaching that mathematics teachers negotiate as they participate in two or more communities that define high-quality teaching differently. Drawing on data from the first two years of a collaboration with a group of middle-school mathematics teachers, we focus on a critical initial condition for teachers to improve their practice—determining that the effort required is worthwhile.


Gresalfi, Melissa

Cobb, Paul
