
School, home, and neighborhoods make large amounts of garbage every day. In answering the driving question of the unit, “What happens to our garbage?”, students investigate a series of subquestions (e.g., “What is that…
Three short (4-5 session) curriculum units and an engineering design challenge include firsthand, guided explorations of energy in everyday phenomena. Beginning with easily observable phenomena, such as ball collisions,…
CADRE hosted two Q&A sessions with NSF program officers to give prospective awardees an opportunity to ask questions about the DRK-12 program, solicitation, and submission process.   Tuesday, Sept. 21, 2021 | 2:…
CADRE is hosting two Q&A sessions with NSF program officers this month to give prospective awardees an opportunity to ask questions about the DRK-12 program, solicitation, and submission process.  Please note…
CADRE is hosting two Q&A sessions with NSF program officers this month to give prospective awardees an opportunity to ask questions about the DRK-12 program, solicitation, and submission process.  Please…
CADRE is hosting two Q&A sessions with NSF program officers this month to give prospective awardees an opportunity to ask questions about the DRK-12 program, solicitation, and submission process.  Please…
Third-grade students’ use model-based reasoning about geospheric components of the hydrologic cycle (i.e., groundwater) and how elementary teachers scaffold students’ model-based reasoning. Instructional resources…
The National Science Foundation (NSF) is pleased to announce that it will offer an NSF Proposal and Award Policy Update Webinar for the research community on Tuesday, September 21, 2021 from 2:00pm to 3:00pm EST. The…
The Deep Structure Modeling (DSM) project addresses the pressing need to more effectively organize science teaching and learning around “big ideas” that run through disciplines. Big ideas are important tools for learning…
EzGCM is a climate modeling toolkit that allows students to examine climate change using the same tools and following the same scientific processes as climate scientists. EzGCM is a climate modeling…
This NGSS aligned curriculum is designed to support high school physical science students in developing an understanding of the forces and energy involved in atomic and molecular interactions. The year-long Interactions…
In this collection of materials, four geometric topics are covered in animated, digital materials. There are also paper-based materials for the four geometric topics: Angles, Transformations, Pythagorean Theorem, and…
Instructional modules that bring sustainability topics into classrooms in a way that emphasizes the methods and tools of mathematics and computing and illustrates their role in planning for sustainability. Through the…
If you are submitting a proposal for the NSF INCLUDES Alliance Solicitation (NSF 20-569), join this Q&A session with NSF on Tuesday, September 28 at 2 PM ET. Please note:  Letter of Intent Due Date (required…
If you are submitting a proposal for the NSF INCLUDES Alliance Solicitation (NSF 20-569), join this Q&A session with NSF on Tuesday, November 9  at 2 PM ET. Please note:  Letter of Intent Due Date (…
High school physics lessons designed to empower teachers, create cultural change, and inspire young women to pursue physics in college. The lessons build a counternarrative in the classroom, dismantling the commonly-held…
Guidelines in the revised PAPPG (NSF 22-1) will apply for proposals submitted or due on or after October 4, 2021.  Guidance on new current and pending support and biosketch formats is found at…
The CKT packets contain tasks, suggested lesson plans, readings, and resources to support teacher educators’ efforts to help elementary teachers develop CKT– specialized knowledge at the intersection of specific content…
Getting Unstuck is a 10-module intermediate Scratch curriculum to help your students develop greater creative and conceptual fluency with code. The curriculum reimagines the classroom as a design studio: a culture of…
Support materials for teaching about the particle model of matter and interdependent relationships in ecosystems at the upper elementary level. Support materials for teaching about the particle model of…
What can you infer from this example? and Who is Right? are two modules that address issues of mathematical content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge for teaching reasoning and proving.Each module intends to help…
DiALoG stands for Diagnosing the Argumentation Levels of Groups. It is designed for teachers to formatively assess the quality of evidence-based arguments and to guide the selection of instructional responses designed to…
The Argumentation Toolkit is a collection of resources, including classroom videos, strategy guides and professional learning modules, designed to help teachers understand and teach scientific argumentation…
The Advancing Reasoning Covariationally (ARC) curriculum is a curriculum for working pre-service and in-service teachers. ARC targets and develops quantitative and covariational reasoning as connecting threads to major…
Learning experiences that spur student curiosity, captivate students with complex mathematical content, and compel students to engage and persevere (referred to as “mathematically captivating learning experiences” or “…
In the "How can I make my classroom more sustainable?" unit,  teachers and students collaboratively investigate how to make their classrooms more sustainable.  Using the teaching/learning process of Engineering…
Assessment tasks intended to support teaching and learning in classrooms that are enacting NGSS-aligned instruction, and to gain insights into grades 3-8 students’ progress in building proficiency with NGSS performance…
This online collection of transformative geoscience resources includes Earth system models, data visualization tools, and curriculum modules. Each module is designed for middle and high school students and is…
The Wildfire Module asks students to consider the question, "How will wildfire risks and impacts change over the next 100 years?" This five-activity module helps students build an understanding of the variables that…
Use a fictional Earth-like planet to explore plate tectonics as a system of interacting plates. Use a fictional Earth-like planet to explore plate tectonics as a system of interacting plates…
The National Science Foundation is beginning a national search for the Assistant Director for Education and Human Resources (EHR) and we seek your help in identifying visionary candidates. The new Assistant Director (AD)…
Registration is now open for the NSF Fall 2021 Virtual Grants Conference, to be held October 4-8.   REGISTER
The Fall 2021 NSF Virtual Grants Conference is designed to give new faculty, researchers, and administrators key insights into a wide range of current issues at NSF. NSF program officers will be providing up-to-date…
This high school curriculum offers over 61 data-intensive Earth Science investigations, all set in real-world contexts and includes a variety of other activities, including topical fiction and non-fiction readings and…
Dear Colleagues, This month, we are preparing to launch a new iteration of CADRE. Meet our team and learn more about our new initiatives. We are also revising some of our existing programs, such as our CADRE Fellows and…
Welcome To CADRE Dear DR-K12 PI, At the fall 2008 DR-K12 PI meeting, Joan Ferrini-Mundy announced the formation of a network, housed at EDC, to provide support to grantees in the Discovery Research portfolio. Network staff…
Project Spotlight
A collection of STEM+C lessons, apps, professional learning materials, and other educator resources created by DRK-12 projects. A collection of STEM+C lessons, apps, professional…
This announcement was sent by NSF on September 28, 2021. Dear Colleagues:  I wanted to make you aware that the following sets of NSF Award Terms and Conditions have been revised: NSF Agency Specific Requirements to…
Explore 75+ NSF-funded curricula, apps, modules, and/or simulations in our searchable library.