
PI Meeting Session
Panel Engineering Educational Technology Mathematics Gaming/Virtual Environments Science Technology…
PI Meeting Session
Panel Algebra Mathematics Elementary School The panel will present an overview of research-grounded evidence about…
PI Meeting Session
Panel Assessment Mathematics Science Four DR K-12 projects will discuss opportunities and challenges that they have encountered when trying…
PI Meeting Session
Panel Mathematics Standards In the Summer of 2010 a joint task force of ASSM, AMTE, NCSM and NCTM produced an action plan for supporting implementation of…
PI Meeting Session
Panel Mathematics Professional Development Three projects investigating different approaches to preparing mathematics professional development…
Organization Engaging Youth in Engineering Module Study AL United States
PI Meeting Session
Panel Assessment Science Technology This session presents recent implementation findings from four projects, each applying facet-based…
PI Meeting Session
PI-organized Discussion Prior to the meeting, send requests to During the meeting, sign up at the registration table. Wednesday, December 1, 2010 - 12:00 -…
PI Meeting Session
Other By invitation only - Fellows and nominating PIs During this welcome meeting for the 2010 Fellows and their PIs, participants have the opportunity to meet informally with each other as well as with…
Organization Examining Coaching in Elementary (K-8) Mathematics Classrooms MT United States
PI Meeting Session
Other Open to all 2010 grantees Meet other new grantees and learn more about the DR K-12 program and portfolio of projects, and about CADRE, the DR K-12 resource network.…
PI Meeting Session
Other CADRE invites feedback about, the DR K-12 resource network's website. Session led by Donahue Institute, CADRE's evaluators. Wednesday, December 1, 2010 -…
PI Meeting Session
NSF-led Session In this presentation, NSF guides grantees through the basic components and practical aspects of leading a DR K-12 project. David Campbell Pamela…
PI Meeting Session
Set-up For 2010 awardees' posters and product showcase presenters. COMING SOON: See the Poster List of projects presenting. Wednesday, December 1, 2010 - 14:00 - Wednesday,…
PI Meeting Session
Working Group Multilingual Learners Open to all grantees Participants will discuss their project work in relation to current literature in ELL math and science…
PI Meeting Session
General Poster Session Featuring 2010 awardees' posters and product showcase presenters. COMING SOON: See the Poster List of projects presenting. Wednesday, December 1, 2010…
PI Meeting Session
PI-organized Discussion Prior to the meeting, send requests to During the meeting, sign up at the registration table. Thursday, December 2, 2010 - 07:00 -…
Organization Positive Learning Environments Aiming for Success in Science Education (PLEASSE) MD United States
PI Meeting Session
NSF-led Session Open to all grantees The NSF invites feedback on the new Data Management Plan, a required component of new proposals starting January 17, 2011. Patricia…
PI Meeting Session
NSF-led Session NSF program officers will discuss EHR programs and related funding opportunities.  Janice Earle Michael Haney Darryl Williams…
PI Meeting Session
Plenary Joan Ferrini-Mundy will welcome DR K-12 grantees and focus on the important work of their project teams. She will discuss the strategic vision for NSF and the Directorate, and the role that DR K-…
PI Meeting Session
Product Feedback Session Educational Technology Mathematics Pedagogical Content Knowledge Universal Design Participants will…
PI Meeting Session
Product Feedback Session Curriculum Science Elementary School Session participants will explore and discuss a beta…
PI Meeting Session
Product Feedback Session Algebra Mathematics Elementary School Middle School This session will…
Engineering is Elementary: Engineering and Technology Lessons for Children Exploring the Efficacy of Engineering is Elementary (E4) Engaging Youth in Engineering Module Study…
PI Meeting Session
Product Feedback Session Assessment Discourse Teachers Presenters will enlist audience’s help to expand their thinking…
PI Meeting Session
Product Feedback Session Climate Change Cyberlearning Educational Technology Science Teachers Middle…
PI Meeting Session
SIG Presentation Cyberlearning Educational Technology Gaming/Virtual Environments Engage in extended play and in-depth discussion around…
PI Meeting Session
Panel Curriculum Educational Technology Science Presenters discuss how emerging technology and policy trends may shape the way science…
PI Meeting Session
Panel Assessment Mathematics Science This session will engage participants in discussion of design issues and expertise required to develop…
PI Meeting Session
SIG Presentation Group members will discuss benefits, challenges, and strategies associated with partnerships between STEM education R&D projects and schools and districts, and introduce a group-…
PI Meeting Session
Panel Algebra Mathematics High School The panel will present an overview of research-grounded evidence about what is…
Organization National Symposium on K-12 Engineering Education U.S. National Commission for Mathematics Instruction -- A Conference Grant Workshop on…
PI Meeting Session
Panel Science Standards Presenters will provide an update on the process and progress of the science conceptual frameworks and the plan for development of…
PI Meeting Session
Special Interest Group (SIG) Algebra Mathematics Open to all grantees The group will continue discussions started on the SIG e-list and panels held…
PI Meeting Session
Working Group Curriculum Educational Technology Science Open to all grantees This group will continue to discuss issues related to the…
PI Meeting Session
Special Interest Group (SIG) Engineering Open to all grantees This group will discuss current research and practice in K-12 engineering education and issues related to…
PI Meeting Session
Working Group By invitation only This group will focus on educational measurement and technology-based assessments, identify various approaches, and identify areas for further research and development…
Building State Representative Samples by Merging State Administrative Data with National Longitudinal Data to Study Transitions from High School to College DC United States
PI Meeting Session
Working Group By invitation only This group will discuss partnering with teachers and other users in the development of project materials. Partnering…
PI Meeting Session
Special Interest Group (SIG) Equity Open to all grantees What have you learned about successfully working in diverse contexts? This group will share ideas and…
PI Meeting Session
Panel Curriculum Educational Technology Science Universal Design Presenters will discuss the challenges and successes…
PI Meeting Session
Structured Poster Session Cyberlearning Educational Technology Mathematics Gaming/Virtual Environments Science…
PI Meeting Session
Product Feedback Session Educational Technology Gaming/Virtual Environments Participants will learn how designers work through early versions of games to…
Knowledge Synthesis on STEM Teachers in Professional Learning Communities DC United States