ISE Preliminary Proposals Due

Event Date
Event Description

The NSF Informal Science Education (ISE) 2010 program solicitation deadlines are 24 June for preliminary proposals and 18 November 2010 for full proposals. The program solicitation (RFP) is available here.

The ISE program invests in projects that promote lifelong learning of STEM in a wide variety of informal settings. Funding is provided for projects that advance understanding of informal STEM learning, that develop and implement innovative strategies and resources for informal STEM education, and that build the national professional capacity for research, development, and practice in the field. There are five categories of ISE program grants: Research; Pathways; Full-Scale Development; Broad Implementation; and Communicating Research to Public Audiences.

Check The Center for the Advancement of Informal Science Education (CAISE) website for answers to frequently asked questions.