DRK-12 Research and Products

Publication | Students travel through a series of lessons as they analyze data and unpack the meaning of measures of center.
Publication | This CADRE brief looks at the key elements and broader impacts of mentoring a postdoctoral/early career researcher.
Publication | This study investigates student interactions with simulations, and teacher support of those interactions, within naturalistic high school classroom settings.
Publication | This study sought to identify specific types of discussion-based strategies that two successful high school physics teachers using a model-based approach utilized in attempting to foster students’ construction of explanatory models for…
Tool | DIA2 is a new visualization tool to search the NSF award database.
Publication | This brief explores factors that contribute to opportunity gaps in STEM education based on race, ethnicity, gender, ability, and socioeconomic status. It showcases the work of several DR K-12 projects and describes promising approaches for…
Publication | This study examines an innovative professional development program that provides teachers with an opportunity to practice pedagogical strategies in a low stakes classroom context.
Presentation | NSF Program Officer Karen King provides information on the DR K-12 program and solicitation in this webinar series.
Publication | Lightning strikes, and two people hear thunder simultaneously. Where might the lightning have struck? Now consider a slightly different scenario: Lightning strikes, and three people hear thunder simultaneously. Where might the lightning have…
Presentation | In this webinar, presenters describe how the study of Complex Adaptive Systems through computer modeling and simulation fits into existing science frameworks and classes, share information about their program and curricula, and describe the…
Presentation | In this webinar, NSF Program Officer David Campbell introduces DR K-12 awardees to the ins and outs of project management, sharing information on evaluation and reporting, advisory boards, Institutional Review Boards (IRB), NSF Highlights, and…
Presentation | In this webinar, presenters describe how the study of Complex Adaptive Systems through computer modeling and simulation fits into existing science frameworks and classes, share information about their program and curricula, and describe the…
Presentation | This presentation on "Supporting the Intersections between Computer Science and the NGSS" was presented at the NSTA STEM Forum & Expo in Minneapolis, MN. (2015)
Publication | We report on a case study that seeks to understand how teachers’ pedagogical interventions influence students’ instrumentation and mathematical reasoning in a collaborative, dynamic geometry environment. A high school teacher engaged a class of…