DRK-12 Research and Products

Publication | This paper explores how robotics can be used as a new educational tool in a Montessori early education classroom.
Publication | “Workers in STEM fields play a direct role in driving economic growth. Yet, because of how the STEM economy has been defined, policymakers have mainly focused on supporting workers with at least a bachelor’s degree, overlooking a strong…
Publication | Examining discourse of a team of pre-service teachers within an IEL engineering design challenge
Publication | In recent years, educational robotics has become an increasingly popular research area. However, limited studies have focused on differentiated learning outcomes based on type of programming interface. This study aims to explore how successfully…
Publication | This paper introduces SketchMiner, which uses drawing topologies to automatically interpret learner-generated sketches.
Publication | Practitioner-focused article connecting research on argumentation to teachers' practice.
Publication | Students travel through a series of lessons as they analyze data and unpack the meaning of measures of center.
Tool | Three example mentoring plans from DR K-12 projects plus a mentee's feedback and evaluation of one mentorship. These resources are also featured in the Spotlight on Mentoring.
Publication | This paper makes a significant contribution to the growing field of digital inequality research by developing an operational definition of emotional costs. To examine this understudied aspect of digital inequalities, we build on Van Dijk’s…
Product for Educators | Each short video provides ideas for family science activities for preschool-grade 3 students that reinforce NGSS 3D learning.
Publication | This CADRE brief looks at the key elements and broader impacts of mentoring a postdoctoral/early career researcher.
Publication | A symmetric polynomial is a polynomial in one or more variables in which swapping any pair of variables leaves the polynomial unchanged. For example, f(x, y, z) = xy +xz + yz is a symmetric polynomial. If we interchange the variables x and y, we…
Product for Educators | This is a free resource to educate the public about Ebola. The website includes an interactive model that allows teachers, students, and community members to actively explore the factors that influence a disease’s spread and mortality…