October 2019 Newsletter

Dear Colleagues,

We are excited to announce the 2019-20 CADRE Fellows, selected from an outstanding pool of applicants. We look forward to learning more about their work in the year ahead. Thank you to all who nominated an applicant, and in advance, to those of you who will share your experience and expertise with them in the coming year.

This newsletter also includes a Spotlight on Culturally Responsive STEM Education, with an opening blog by former CADRE Fellow, Christa Haverly. The Committee on Equal Opportunities in Science and Engineering (CEOSE) reports that in fiscal year 2018, NSF awarded slightly over $1 billion to broadening participation programs and ensuring that talented individuals from all sectors of society have access to STEM learning. The projects included in this Spotlight are contributing to this goal.

If you missed the AIR webinars on measuring program implementation, look below for links to the recordings and slides. Explore related resources from the Fidelity of Implementation session at the 2018 DRK-12 PI Meeting, as well as session materials on Discourse and Interactional Analyses, Moderation and Mediation, Measuring Latent Constructs, and Designing Multilevel Studies.

Just this week, it was announced that President Trump is establishing the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. The PCAST, funded by the Department of Energy and primarily composed of individuals from outside of the federal government, will advise the President on science, technology, education and innovation policy, as well as provide information to inform public policy on the economy, workforce, security and other areas.


The CADRE Team

Spotlight on Culturally Responsive STEM Education 

Citizen Science

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the student population in the U.S. is becoming more racially and ethnically diverse. Providing quality, equitable STEM education for preK-12 students, particularly students who have been historically underrepresented in STEM fields, requires curricula, instruction, and assessment that value their cultural practices and reflect their lived experiences.

In this Spotlight, Christa Haverly reflects on Whiteness and positionality in the context of culturally responsive education research. Notes from the 2016 PI Meeting session Culturally Responsive STEM Education provide an overview of the theoretical foundations of culturally responsive education and its applications in the STEM disciplines. In addition, DRK-12 projects discuss how their work incorporates culturally responsive STEM curricula, instruction, and assessment, or intersects with culturally responsive STEM education in ways that contribute to the knowledge base around broadening participation in STEM.

In This Spotlight

Meet the 2019-20 CADRE Fellows

Congratulations to the 2019-20 Fellows! CADRE is pleased to announce the new cohort.

  • Yemimah King, Purdue University (Nominating PI: David Purpura)
  • Tiffany Maxon, Education Development Center (Nominating PI: Megan Silander)
  • David McKinney, University of Nevada, Las Vegas (Nominating PI: Gwen Marchand)
  • Roxanne Moore, Washington State University (Nominating PI: Paula Groves Price)
  • Alice Morgan, West Virginia University (Nominating Co-PI: Gay Stewart)
  • Emily Reigh, Stanford University (Nominating Co-PI: Jonathan Osborne)
  • Jennifer Schellinger, Florida State University (Nominating PI: Sherry Southerland)
  • James Smith, University of Arizona (Nominating PI: Nicole Kersting)
  • Victoria VanUitert, University of Virginia (Nominating Co-PI: William Therrien)
  • Ti'Era Worsley, University of North Carolina at Greensboro (Nominating Co-PI: Edna Tan)
Visit CADRE's Early Career page to learn more about the Fellows program and to view our recently updated CADRE Early Career Guide: Tips for Early Career STEM Education Researchers, with new tips for pursuing academic and non-academic careers, writing for publication, building and maintaining professional networks, and applying for NSF funding.

Measuring Program Implementation Webinar Recordings and Slides

If you missed the webinars hosted by AIR earlier this month, recordings and slides are now available. Dr. Chris Hulleman was the main presenter. 

  • Measuring Program Implementation
    Topics: logic model development and use of systematic measurement approaches to examine program implementation, merits and limitations of different methods, and tools and resources for developing and refining implementation measurement plans.
    Recording | Slides
  • Developing a Program Implementation Measurement Framework
    Topics: development of implementation measurement frameworks, practical considerations (e.g., reporting burden and availability and quality of data), and participants' own experiences and challenges with measuring program implementation.
    Recording | Slides


Project Tip

Consider adapting parts of your NSF annual reports (including the final, non-cumulative report) for a blog, a news article for your institution, or another piece of writing to celebrate your accomplishments, provide an update for your colleagues on the progress of your work, and communicate future plans. And don't forget to acknowledge NSF support in the products and publications that you produce! 

Newsbites from NSF, DRK-12, and NSF Networks

News from NSF

News from DRK–12 Projects & Awardees
Email cadre@edc.org to share news from your project.

News from NSF Networks

See our Upcoming CADRE & NSF Network Events page for ATECentral, CIRCL, CAISE, CS for All Teachers, EvaluATE, NSF INCLUDES National Network or STELAR events that may be of interest to you.

Upcoming Opportunities

The following funding and publication opportunities, listed by deadline, may be of interest to you and your DRK-12 project members. 


For more NSF funding opportunities, see CADRE's list of Upcoming NSF DRL EHR Solicitation Deadlines.


For other publication opportunities, including those with ongoing submissions, see CADRE's list of Publications for STEM Educators, Policymakers, and Researchers.

Conference Proposals

For more conference information, see CADRE's list of Conferences for STEM Educators, Policymakers, and Researchers.

Job Openings


In Case You Missed It

Highlights from recent newsletters and announcements:

A complete archive of our newsletters and announcements is available on cadrek12.org.

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