March 2020 Newsletter

Dear Colleagues,

Since our lives are saturated with COVID-19 concerns, we're starting this newsletter with good news. CADRE is happy to announce the early career researchers who have been selected to participate in the 2020 CADRE Postdoc Professional Growth Opportunity. Congratulations to these postdocs! Thank you to all of those who applied and those in the DRK-12 community who have supported and nominated a postdoc.

Many of us have been caught off guard by the outbreak of COVID-19 and the ensuing changes to our lives and communities. You may be preparing to teach online classes or advising doctoral students who are facing new challenges in completing their dissertation research as planned. Perhaps data collection for your NSF-funded research has been delayed. And as we recently announced, the 2020 DRK-12 PI Meeting has been cancelled. NSF has provided NSF-specific coronavirus guidance, including FAQs that address questions related to grant extensions, cancelled travel, and more.

For those of you who prepared materials for an upcoming conference that was cancelled, CADRE would like to help you disseminate your work virtually. More details below. While the CADRE-organized engineering session for the NSTA conference was cancelled, the session presenters took part in a live Twitter chat on March 12. View the chat discussion and let us know if you are interested in joining a future Twitter chat on another topic.

In response to school closings, CADRE is collecting and featuring DRK-12 research-based tips, activities, and tools for preK-12 online learning. Please share these resources for student and teacher learning with your community. If you have a related DRK-12 resource that isn't included in our list, please let us know!

In this month's Spotlight, we highlight DRK-12 research and products related to teacher content knowledge. Learn more about projects developing and studying models and resources to improve and assess teachers' knowledge for teaching science, mathematics, and computer science.

We at CADRE hope that you and those in your communities stay safe and healthy.

The CADRE Team

Spotlight on Teacher Content Knowledge

Teacher Content Knowledge

In this Spotlight, Julie Luft reflects on the various ways that teachers' subject matter knowledge can be strained as teachers navigate the STEM education landscape and their careers as well as key questions that can guide innovation in content knowledge supports for teacher educators and teachers. In addition, nine DRK-12 projects discuss the approaches they're taking to developing and measuring different types of teacher content knowledge for improved STEM teaching and learning.
In this Spotlight...

CADRE Postdoc Professional Growth Opportunity

CADRE is excited to announce that the following postdoctoral researchers have been selected for the 2020 CADRE Postdoc Professional Growth Opportunity:

  • Devarati Bhattacharya, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • Leanne Elliott, University of Pittsburgh
  • Ruby Ellis, University of Missouri
  • Roberta Howard Hunter, Michigan State University
  • Amy Ricketts, University of Illinois at Chicago 

The postdoc cohort will participate in capacity-building activities related to grant funding and proposal development, including a virtual mock proposal review led by an NSF program director.

Thank you to the DRK-12 project members who nominated candidates for this opportunity and the review panelists for their service. We have assembled a group of postdocs with diverse professional backgrounds and research interests who share a commitment to broadening participation in STEM education.

COVID-19 and Online LearningOnline Learning

In response to the spread of COVID-19, an increasing number of schools are temporarily closing their doors and turning to online learning. This online learning toolkit shares activities (online curricula, modules, and/or simulations), tools (apps and general resources), and tips to support remote student learning or teacher professional development, offered by our DRK-12 community.

If you have online learning tips or resources to include in this toolkit, please email

Share Conference Materials Virtually

We recognize that many of you prepared papers, posters, and talks about your DRK-12 work for upcoming conferences that have been canceled or postponed due to COVID-19. CADRE seeks to collect these prepared papers, posters, presentation slides, and recorded talks and showcase your work virtually and in our April newsletter. Please submit your information by April 10.


Project Tip: Lessons from the iCorps Program

NSF's iCorps program may have lessons that apply to your research. Fashioned after Stanford's Lean LaunchPad course and the work of Steve Blank, the iCorp syllabus lays out a number of questions that all researchers could ask when conceptualizing new work, especially if that work may lead to sustaining and scaling a model or product.

Newsbites from NSF, DRK-12, and NSF Networks

News from NSF

News from DRK–12 Projects & Awardees
Email to share news from your project.

Upcoming Opportunities

The following funding and publication opportunities, listed by deadline, may be of interest to you and your DRK-12 project members. 

For more NSF funding opportunities, see CADRE's list of Upcoming NSF DRL Solicitation Deadlines.


For other publication opportunities, including those with ongoing submissions, see CADRE's list of Publications for STEM Educators, Policymakers, and Researchers.

Conference Proposals
For more conference information, see CADRE's list of Conferences for STEM Educators, Policymakers, and Researchers.

Job Openings
A complete archive of our newsletters and announcements is available on

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