Dear Colleagues,
Since our lives are saturated with COVID-19 concerns, we're starting this newsletter with good news. CADRE is happy to announce the early career researchers who have been selected to participate in the 2020 CADRE Postdoc Professional Growth Opportunity. Congratulations to these postdocs! Thank you to all of those who applied and those in the DRK-12 community who have supported and nominated a postdoc.
Many of us have been caught off guard by the outbreak of COVID-19 and the ensuing changes to our lives and communities. You may be preparing to teach online classes or advising doctoral students who are facing new challenges in completing their dissertation research as planned. Perhaps data collection for your NSF-funded research has been delayed. And as we recently announced, the 2020 DRK-12 PI Meeting has been cancelled. NSF has provided NSF-specific coronavirus guidance, including FAQs that address questions related to grant extensions, cancelled travel, and more.
For those of you who prepared materials for an upcoming conference that was cancelled, CADRE would like to help you disseminate your work virtually. More details below. While the CADRE-organized engineering session for the NSTA conference was cancelled, the session presenters took part in a live Twitter chat on March 12. View the chat discussion and let us know if you are interested in joining a future Twitter chat on another topic.
In response to school closings, CADRE is collecting and featuring DRK-12 research-based tips, activities, and tools for preK-12 online learning. Please share these resources for student and teacher learning with your community. If you have a related DRK-12 resource that isn't included in our list, please let us know!
In this month's Spotlight, we highlight DRK-12 research and products related to teacher content knowledge. Learn more about projects developing and studying models and resources to improve and assess teachers' knowledge for teaching science, mathematics, and computer science.
We at CADRE hope that you and those in your communities stay safe and healthy.
Spotlight on Teacher Content Knowledge
- Subject Matter Knowledge Is Important! | Blog by Julie Luft
- Featured Projects
- BioGraph 2.0 - Online Professional Development for High School Biology Teachers for Teaching and Learning About Complex Systems (PI: Susan Yoon)
- CAREER: Investigation of Beginning Teachers' Expertise to Teach Mathematics via Reasoning and Proof (PI: Orly Buchbinder)
- Collaborative Math: Creating Sustainable Excellence in Mathematics for Early Childhood Programs (PI: Jennifer McCray)
- Developing and Validating Assessments to Measure and Build Elementary Teachers' Content Knowledge for Teaching about Matter and Its Interactions within Teacher Education Settings (PIs: Deborah Hanuscin & Jamie Mikeska)
- Focus on Energy: Preparing Elementary Teachers to Meet the NGSS Challenge (PIs: Sara Lacy & Lane Seeley)
- Getting Unstuck: Designing and Evaluating Teacher Resources to Support Conceptual and Creative Fluency with Programming (PI: Karen Brennan)
- Knowledge Assets to Support the Science Instruction of Elementary Teachers (ASSET) (PI: Sean Smith)
- Mathematics Immersion for Secondary Teachers at Scale (PIs: Al Cuoco & Daniel Heck)
- DiALoG: Embedding a Real-Time Assessment of Speaking and Listening into an Argumentation-Rich Curriculum (PIs: Eric Greenwald & J. Bryan Henderson)
- Additional Resources
- Compendium of Research Instruments for STEM Education: Part 1: Teacher Practices, PCK and Content Knowledge
- Spotlight on Professional Development
- Math and Science Partnerships Knowledge Management and Dissemination Project
CADRE Postdoc Professional Growth Opportunity
CADRE is excited to announce that the following postdoctoral researchers have been selected for the 2020 CADRE Postdoc Professional Growth Opportunity:
- Devarati Bhattacharya, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Leanne Elliott, University of Pittsburgh
- Ruby Ellis, University of Missouri
- Roberta Howard Hunter, Michigan State University
- Amy Ricketts, University of Illinois at Chicago
The postdoc cohort will participate in capacity-building activities related to grant funding and proposal development, including a virtual mock proposal review led by an NSF program director.
Thank you to the DRK-12 project members who nominated candidates for this opportunity and the review panelists for their service. We have assembled a group of postdocs with diverse professional backgrounds and research interests who share a commitment to broadening participation in STEM education.
In response to the spread of COVID-19, an increasing number of schools are temporarily closing their doors and turning to online learning. This online learning toolkit shares activities (online curricula, modules, and/or simulations), tools (apps and general resources), and tips to support remote student learning or teacher professional development, offered by our DRK-12 community.
If you have online learning tips or resources to include in this toolkit, please email
Share Conference Materials Virtually
We recognize that many of you prepared papers, posters, and talks about your DRK-12 work for upcoming conferences that have been canceled or postponed due to COVID-19. CADRE seeks to collect these prepared papers, posters, presentation slides, and recorded talks and showcase your work virtually and in our April newsletter. Please submit your information by April 10.
Project Tip: Lessons from the iCorps ProgramNSF's iCorps program may have lessons that apply to your research. Fashioned after Stanford's Lean LaunchPad course and the work of Steve Blank, the iCorp syllabus lays out a number of questions that all researchers could ask when conceptualizing new work, especially if that work may lead to sustaining and scaling a model or product. |
Newsbites from NSF, DRK-12, and NSF Networks
News from NSF
- Coronavirus Information
NSF has posted new guidance on the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), as well as FAQs for proposers, awardees, and panelists; impacts on deadline dates; and new funding opportunities to address COVID-19. - Guidance on NSF’s implementation of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Memorandum (M-20-17)
NSF offers new guidance regarding proposals and awards in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. - Important Notice No. 146: NSF Letter to Community Regarding COVID-19
A letter from NSF Director France Córdova about NSF's efforts to keep the community informed on changes due to COVID-19. - Meeting of the STEM Education Advisory Panel
NSF's STEM Education Advisory Panel will meet virtually April 15 from 12n-2pm ET. Members of the public may contact to listen in to the meeting. Please include your name, title, and organization in the email.
News from DRK–12 Projects & Awardees
- A Comparison of Perceived and Observed Learning from Professional Development: Relationships Among Self-Reports, Direct Assessments, and Teacher Characteristics
Publication | In this Journal of Teacher Education article, Yasemin Copur-Gencturk and Ian Thacker compare teachers' self-reported gains in mathematical knowledge for teaching with those measured by direct assessments. - Each and Every Child: Teaching Preschool with an Equity Lens
Publication | This new book from the National Association for the Education of Young Children features two articles by Jessica Young and Kristen Reed that provide concrete strategies and tips for advancing equity in early childhood education. - Examining Certification Requirements in Early Math and Literacy: What Do States Expect Prekindergarten Teachers to Know?
Publication | In this Journal of Teacher Education article, Tanya Wright, Amy Noelle Parks, Bethany Wilinski, Lisa Domke, and Laura Hopkins examine preK certification requirements for literacy and mathematics coursework to understand policy trends across the United States. - Exploring Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching Teachers: Supporting Prospective Elementary Teachers' Relearning of Mathematics
Publication | In this Mathematics Enthusiast article, Alison Castro Superfine, Priya Prasad, Rachael Welder, Dana Olanoff, and Christina Eubanks-Turner illustrate ways in which mathematics teacher educators use their own knowledge in teaching mathematics content to prospective teachers. - High School Students' Situational Engagement Associated with Scientific Practices in Designed Science Learning Situations
Publication | In this Science Education article, Janna Inkinen, Christopher Klager, Kalle Juuti, Barbara Schneider, Katariina Salmela-Aro, Joseph Krajcik, and Jari Lavonen discuss how different scientific practices in high school science classrooms are associated with student situational engagement. - Initiation-Entry-Focus-Exit and Participation: A Framework for Understanding Teacher Groupwork Monitoring Routines
Publication | In this Educational Studies in Mathematics article, Nadav Ehrenfeld and Ilana Horn present a framework that illuminates the common moves teachers make while monitoring students working together. - NSTA Board of Directors Election
Awards & Recognition | DRK-12 co-PI Donna Governor was elected to the NSTA Board of Directors to serve as the Preservice Teacher Preparation Division Director. - Patterns of Inquiry-Based Science Instruction and Student Science Achievement in PISA 2015
Publication | In this International Journal of Science Education article, Cory T. Forbes, Knut Neumann, and Anja Schiepe-Tiska explore the relationship between science instruction and students' science achievement in 13 countries. - Rethinking the Classroom Science Investigation
Publication | In this Journal of Research in Science Teaching article, Eve Manz, Richard Lehrer, and Leona Schauble propose a framework that centers investigation as a key focus for constructing alignments among phenomena, data, and explanatory models. - Sensitivity Evaluation of Methods for Estimating Complier Average Causal Mediation Effects to Assumptions
Publication | In this Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics article, Soojin Park and Gregory Palardy compare the performance of two estimation methods for causal mediation-the instrumental variable method (IV-mediate) and the maximum likelihood method (ML-mediate). - STEM for All Multiplex: Theme of the Month
Event | The Multiplex's March-April theme focuses on the importance of elementary science. Explore the topic via a blog, expert webinar panel, playlist of related videos, discussion, and resources. - Strategies for Assessing Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching in Mathematics Content Courses
Publication | In this Mathematics Enthusiast article, Cody Patterson, Amy Parrott, and Jason Belnap present existing research on the assessment of mathematical knowledge for teaching and discuss ways in which mathematics teacher educators can draw on the work of elementary school teaching to help assess prospective teachers' content knowledge and habits of mind. - Teaching Practices for Differentiating Mathematics Instruction for Middle School Students
Publication | In this Mathematical Thinking and Learning article, Amy Hackenberg, Mark Creager, and Ayfer Eker describe their study of how to differentiate mathematics instructions for middle school students. - The Impact of High School Life Science Teachers' Subject Matter Knowledge and Knowledge of Student Misconceptions on Students' Learning
Publication | In this Life Sciences Education article, Chen Chen, Gerhard Sonnert, Philip Sadler, and Susan Sunbury investigate the association between teachers' subject matter knowledge and knowledge of students' misconceptions and student' performance in high school life science. - The Intersection of Being Black and Being a Woman: Examining the Effect of Social Computing Relationships on Computer Science Career Choice
Publication | In this ACM Transactions on Computing Education article, Monique Ross, Zahra Hazari, Gerhard Sonnert, and Philip Sadler explore the similarities and differences between the social computer science-related experiences of Black women, Black men, and non-Black women in the United States and their relationship to career choice.
Upcoming Opportunities
The following funding and publication opportunities, listed by deadline, may be of interest to you and your DRK-12 project members.
- April 27 - NSF | Computer Science for All (CSforAll:RPP)
- May 12 - NSF | EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Track 4: EPSCoR Research Fellows (RII Track-4)
- March 31 - Research in Science Education | Multimodal Meaning Making in Science
- April 1 - Science & Children | Start with the Phenomena
- April 1 - Science Scope | Science Beyond the Classroom
- April 1 - The Science Teacher | STEM on a Shoestring
- April 15 - Connected Science Learning | Engaging Families in Science
- April 30 - Computer Science Education | Assessing Computational Thinking
- May 1 - Science & Children | Engineering Design
- May 1 - The Science Teacher | Technology Innovations in Science
- May 31 - Water | Water Literacy and Education
- June 1 - Educational Leadership | The Early Grades
- June 1 - Science & Children | Culturally Responsive Teaching
- June 1 - Science Scope | Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking
- Ongoing - Educational Technology Research and Development | Special Issue Proposals
- Ongoing - The Elementary STEM Journal | STEM for All: Learning Opportunities
- Ongoing - Journal of Research on Technology in Education | Special Issue Proposals
- Ongoing - Research in Science Education | Special Issue Proposals
For other publication opportunities, including those with ongoing submissions, see CADRE's list of Publications for STEM Educators, Policymakers, and Researchers.
- March 30 - 2020 AEA Evaluation Conference (Call for Proposals - Deadline Extended)
- April 4 - 2020 ASCD Conference on Educational Leadership (Call for Proposals)
- April 15 - 2021 National NSTA Conference (Call for Proposals)
- May 27 - 2021 AACTE Annual Meeting (Call for Proposals, Reviewers)
- Upcoming - 2021 AAAS Annual Meeting (Call for Proposals)
- Until filled - Boston College: Visiting Assistant Professor in Learning Engineering
- Until filled - BSCS Science Learning: Postdoctoral Associate in Biology Education Research
- Until filled - BSCS Science Learning: Research Scientist
- Until filled - BSCS Science Learning: Science Educator, Professional Learning
- Until filled - Edfinity: Postdoctoral Position
- Until filled - Education Development Center: Research Assistant
- Until filled - McREL Research and Evaluation Jobs
- Until filled - Northern Illinois University: Postdoctoral Researcher (Application review began March 15)
- Until filled - University of Connecticut: Assistant/Associate Professor in Learning Sciences (Application review began October 28)
- Until filled - University of Georgia: Assistant Professor of Science Education
- Until filled - University of Southern California: Postdoctoral Research Associate (Application review began March 15)
- Until filled - University of Texas at Austin: Assistant/Associate Professor in STEM Education (Application review began November 5)
- Until filled - University of Washington: Postdoctoral Scholar (Application review began March 20)
- Until filled - University of Wisconsin-Madison: Assistant Professor of Learning Sciences
In Case You Missed It
Highlights from recent newsletters and announcements:
- Computer Science for All (CSforAll: Research and RPPs) Webinar Recording
- Dear Colleague Letter (DCL): Exploring the NSF 2026 Idea Machine
- DRK-12 Publications, Presentations, Products, and Websites
- DRK-12 Research Methods Webinar Series on Social Network Analysis
- Frequently Asked Questions on Current and Pending Support
- Job Opportunities at NSF
- NSF Grants Conference
- PAPPG Update Webinar 2020
- Project Tip: Navigating Mid-Course Changes
- Spotlight on English Language Learners
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