Socio-Scientific Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Comparing In-person and Virtual Science Learning Using Model-Evidence Link Diagrams
Science learning is an important part of the K-12 educational experience, as well as in the lives of students. This study considered students’ science learning as they engaged in the instruction of scientific issues with…
Documenting Two Emerging Sociomathematical Norms for Examining Functions in Mathematics Teachers’ Online Asynchronous Discussions
This study investigated novice mathematics teachers participating in an online teacher education course focused on covariational reasoning and understanding the behavior of functions. The analysis centered on documenting…
COVID-19 as a Magnifying Glass: Exploring the Importance of Relationships as Education Students Learn and Teach Robotics via Zoom
Ed+gineering, an NSF-funded program, adapted hands-on robotics instruction for online delivery in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This qualitative multiple case study shares the experiences of participating education…
Examining the Influence of COVID-19 on Elementary Mathematics Standardized Test Scores in a Rural Ohio School District
In the United States, national and state standardized assessments have become a metric for measuring student learning and high-quality learning environments. As the COVID-19 pandemic offered a multitude of learning…
In this paper, we present an overview of the design research used to develop a digital collaborative environment with an embedded problem-based curriculum. We then discuss the student and teacher features of the…
Professional Development for STEM Integration Analyzing Bioinformatics Teaching by Examining Teachers' Qualities of Adaptive Expertise
Bioinformatics—a rapidly developing discipline that integrates mathematical and computational techniques with biological knowledge for applications in medicine, the environment, and other important aspects of life—is an…
Undergraduate Engineering and Education Students Reflect on Their Interdisciplinary Teamwork Experiences Following Transition to Virtual Instruction Caused by COVID-19
This study explores undergraduate engineering and education students’ perspectives on their interdisciplinary teams throughout the rapid transition to online learning and instruction from a face-to-face to a virtual format…
The rapid and unexpected nature of the move to online instruction has meant that the content presented to students has been primarily static and linear. Thus, there is a need for creative pedagogical approaches that re-…
This blog post looks at the role of simulations in teacher learning.
Cohen, J., Wong, V., Krishnamachari, A., & Jones, N. (2021). Simulations as a platform for understanding and improving teachers'…
It seems like there are new tech and social media tools coming out every day. So what’s out there? And how can these tools be used to enhance your work?
Just Getting Started?
First, ask yourself if…
To customize or not to customize? Exploring science teacher customization in an online lesson portal
New technologies are increasingly giving science teachers the ability to access and customize science lessons. However, there is substantial debate in the literature about whether and under what…
Rich tasks can be vehicles for productive mathematical discussions. How to support such discourse in collaborative digital environments is the focus of our theorization and empirical examination of task design that emerges…
Tasks can be vehicles for productive mathematical discussions. How to support such discourse in collaborative digital environments is the focus of our theorization and empirical examination of task design that emerges from…
The Innovative Technology in Science Inquiry (ITSI) project is a learning portal with hundreds of free, customizable science, math, and engineering activities funded by the National Science Foundation…
To contribute to understanding how teachers can develop geometrical understanding, we report on the discursive development of teachers’ geometrical reasoning through instrument appropriation while collaborating in an…
Constructing and Role-Playing Student Avatars in a Simulation of Teaching Algebra for Diverse Learners
This study examines the design and implementation of a simulated teaching environment in Second Life for prospective teachers.
From the perspectives of Graduate Research Assistants (GRAs), this study…
The Concord Consortium has developed 19 activities for teaching and learning algebra that are available online or as an app for iPad or Android tablet computers. These activities—which cover a variety of algebra topics,…
Modeling and argumentation are two important scientific practices students need to develop throughout school years. In this paper, we investigated how middle and high school students (N=512) construct a scientific argument…
With the advent of the digital age, research on the psychological impact of youth engagement with technology has surged. New technologies have often taken the blame for promoting negative (and potentially dangerous) youth…
A View of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Research and its Lessons for Future-Generation Collaboration Systems
Stahl, G. (2012f). A view of computer-supported collaborative learning research and its lessons for future-generation collaboration systems. Future Generation Computer Systems.
This is a review of research on…
Stahl, G. (2012d). Theories of cognition in collaborative learning. In C. Hmelo-Silver, A. O'Donnell, C. Chan & C. Chinn (Eds.), International handbook of collaborative learning. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis.…
Knowledge for Algebra Teaching for Equity (KATE) Project: An Examination of Virtual Classroom Simulation Approaches
In this paper, we present an overview of the National Science Foundation (NSF) funded Knowledge for Algebra Teaching for Equity (KATE) Project and experiences from preservice teachers who are preparing for teaching middle…
Stahl, G. (2012a). Designing a learning environment for promoting math discourse. Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Mathematical Education.
Mathematics education in the future faces…
About this Playbook The Digital Textbook Playbook is a guide to help K-12 educators and administrators advance the conversation toward building a rich digital learning experience. This Playbook offers information about…
Pre-Service Teachers' Knowledge for Teaching Algebra for Equity in the Middle Grades: A Preliminary Report
This article presents our plans and initial work to explore how mathematics teacher education programs can prepare teachers for diverse middle grades classrooms. It describes the start-up of a five-year National Science…
Investigations of a Complex, Realistic Task: Intentional, Unsystematic, and Exhaustive Experimenters
McElhaney, K.W. & Linn, M.C. (2011). Investigations of a Complex, Realistic Task: Intentional, Unsystematic, and Exhaustive Experimenters. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 48(7), 745-770.
This study…
As part of the Data Games project, we are researching how students record and organize multivariate data. This research is informing the design of new software interfaces for Fathom and TinkerPlots that will allow students…
Project overview poster presented at 2010 DrK-12 PI meeting.
In this session, the presenters discuss findings and experiences regarding technology-embedded assessment and how to support teachers in using it effectively.
The proposal for the Geniverse project. This project was proposed as NextBio; the name was subsequently changed to Geniverse.
The proposal for the Geniverse project. This project was proposed as NextBio…
Environmental Science
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