
CADRE Learning Series: AI in STEM Education Research CADRE is pleased to offer a series of webinars on AI in STEM Education Research. The first webinar explored issues of inclusion and equity…
NSF DRK-12 Solicitation: Partnership Development Project Type Webinar Registration June 11, 2024 |1-2:30 PM ET Join NSF for an information session focused on the DRK-12 program’s partnership…
Disseminating DRK-12 Work: Extending Engagement Submitted by Cadre-Admin on Tue, 05/21/2024 - 12:35 Blog In the…
The Role of Evaluation in Research Projects Submitted by Cadre-Admin on Tue, 05/21/2024 - 13:41 Blog This…
NSF DRK-12 Solicitation: Partnership Development Project Type Webinar Webinar Image On June 11, 2024, NSF program officers provided…
NSF DRK-12 Solicitation: Partnership Development Project Type Webinar Image On June 11, 2024, NSF program officers provided clarification on the NSF DRK-12…
Recruiting & Retaining Participants for Your Education Research Publication Partnerships Image…
Making an Impact on Education: Building Evidence, Working in Partnership, and Mobilizing Knowledge Submitted by Cadre-Admin on Fri, 05/24/2024 - 11:43…
Feedback on the NSF DRK-12 Solicitation's Partnership Development Project Type Webinar Please share your feedback on the June 11 webinar. We value your input and suggestions. This will…
Resources from the NSF DRK-12 Solicitation: Partnership Development Project Type Webinar Presentation Other…
NSF Office Hours for General ITEST Proposal Questions Webinar Join STELAR and NSF program officers for a series of informal NSF “office hours” in support of those developing…
NSF Office Hours for General ITEST Proposal Questions Webinar Join STELAR and NSF program officers for a series of informal NSF “office hours” in support of those developing…
NSF Office Hours for ITEST Scaling Expanding & Iterating (SEI) Proposals Webinar Join STELAR and NSF program officers for an Q&A session in support of those…
NSF Office Hours for ITEST Scaling Expanding & Iterating (SEI) Proposals Webinar Join STELAR and NSF program officers for an Q&A session in support of those…
National STEM Teacher Corps Pilot Program Full Proposal Deadline Funding Opportunity Learn more at…
Strategies for Fostering Authentic Community Partnerships in STEM Education Research Publication Other…
Toward Ethical and Just AI in Education Research Publication Educational Technology Other…
June 2024 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, As we inch closer to the next DRK-12 proposal submission deadline on November 13, we’ve been featuring resources and events that may inform those who are…
Partnership Development Project Type View resources from the webinar on the NSF DRK-12 Solicitation: Partnership Development Project Type
Toward Ethical and Just AI in Education Research New brief offers a framework and set of tools to support inclusive and equitable AI in education research and development.
2024 Registration: NSF DRK-12 Solicitation (23-596) Office Hours
DRK-12 Solicitation (23-596): NSF Office Hours Webinar Join one of the upcoming office hour-style webinars for an opportunity to interact with NSF program officers and get…
DRK-12 Solicitation (23-596): NSF Office Hours Webinar Join one of the upcoming office hour-style webinars for an opportunity to interact with NSF program officers and get…
HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology Other United States
Register for DRK-12 Solicitation (23-596): NSF Office Hours Join one (or both) of the upcoming office hour-style webinars for an opportunity to interact with NSF program officers and get…
Epistemic Scaffolding: Understanding and Designing the Support for Epistemic Growth in Science Publication Science Cognitive Science…
Profiling Teachers’ Motivation for Professional Development: A Nationwide Study Publication Chemistry Professional Development…
Centering on Power Relations in Collaboration Among Mathematics Teacher Educator-Researchers Publication Professional Development…
Re-imagining Science Education Research Toward a Language for Science Perspective Publication Science Broadening Participation…
Shining Light on Preschool Science Investigations: Exploring Shadows and Strengthening Visual Spatial Skills Publication Mathematics…
Toward a Better Understanding of the Nature of Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Fractions: The Role of Experience Publication Mathematics…
Using Simulations to Support Students’ Conceptual Development Related to Wildfire Hazards and Risks from an Experiential Learning Perspective Publication…
Communities of Practice and the Elevation of Urban Elementary Teacher Discourse About Critical Pedagogy of Place Publication Science…
“I Really Got to Think About My Background, Their Background, and How Do We Come Together on Something?”: One Emergent Mathematics Teacher Leader's Reflexive Journey with Social Justice Mathematics…
Investigating the Complexity in Elementary Teachers’ Noticing of Children’s Mathematical Thinking in Written Work Publication Mathematics…
Learning About Science Topics of Social Relevance Using Lower and Higher Autonomy-Supportive Scaffolds Publication Science Curriculum…
Supporting Students’ Participation in Collective Argumentation: Use of Displays in a Secondary Mathematics Classroom Publication Mathematics…
Situating Teacher Movement, Space, and Relationships to Pedagogy: A Visual Method and Framework Publication Mathematics Classroom…
Early Career News
All Sorts of Quality Interactions with English Learners News CADRE Fellows Publication Haiwen Chu and Guillermo…
Early Career News
Beyond the Monolith: A Systematic Review of the Literature on Latiné/x/a/o Students in Engineering Using a Liberative Approach News CADRE Fellows…
Early Career News
Co-ML: Collaborative Machine Learning Model Building for Developing Dataset Design Practices News CADRE Postdocs Publication…
Early Career News
Exploring and Promoting a Student's Covariational Reasoning and Developing Graphing Meanings News CAREER Awardees Publication…
Early Career News
A Case Study Comparison of Undergraduate Education and Engineering Majors’ Understanding of Community Engineering News CADRE Fellows…
Early Career News
Addressing Disproportionality and Racial Inequities in Special Education Through Policy Change News CADRE Fellows Publication…
Early Career News
Design Parameter Values for Planning Mediation Studies with Teacher and Student Mathematics Outcomes News CADRE Fellows Publication…
Early Career News
Developing Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Self-Efficacy Toward Teaching Science News CAREER Awardees Publication Amal…
Early Career News
Examining What and How Secondary Science Preservice Teachers Learn from Using a Suite of Online Simulations News CADRE Fellows CADRE Postdocs…
Early Career News
Racialized Spatial Imaginaries: Authoring an Elementary School Teacher of Engineering Identity News CADRE Fellows Publication…
Peoples of the Arctic - October 2009 Issue of Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears now available! While the Arctic may seem bleak and inhospitable, indigenous people have successfully lived there…
NSDL Request for Proposals Funding Opportunity In FY2010, the program will accept proposals for large grants in 1) the Pathways track, 2) Pathways - II, 3) specific sub-…