
Unlike many types of educational crises, the COVID-19 pandemic was a crisis leaders could not have prepared for. But research is only starting to examine how leaders’ responses and organisational context have played a role…
In FY2010, the program will accept proposals for large grants in 1) the Pathways track, 2) Pathways - II, 3) specific sub-tracks of Services, and 4) Targeted Research. In all tracks, the program will also accept…
Quantified Self “meetup” groups appear to be appeal largely to middle-aged white males. What happens when the target demographic is changed to high school-aged Latina girls? This paper summarizes two lessons learned from…
Biomechanics, and specifically the biomechanics associated with human movement, is a potentially rich backdrop against which educators can design innovative science teaching and learning activities. Moreover, the use of…
For more information, visit: DR K-12 Presenters: Alycia Hund, Illinois State University (Project: Promoting Students' Spatial Thinking in Upper Elementary Grades using Geographic…