
Guillermo Solano-Flores Dr. Guillermo Solano-Flores specializes in educational measurement, assessment development, and the linguistic and cultural issues that are relevant to both the…
Associate Professor
Jorge Solis University of California, Santa Cruz (UC Santa Cruz)
Nancy Songer Dr. Nancy Butler Songer is the Associate Provost for STEM Education at the University of Utah. Songer is an International scholar with over twenty-five years of research…
Associate Provost for STEM Education
Deborah Spencer Email Senior Project Director Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC)
Senior Project Director
Kurt Squire University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison)
Tina Stanford SRI International
Jon Star
Jon Star Harvard University
Carolyn Staudt Carolyn Staudt has developed extensive probe and model-based curriculum materials for 16 years at the Concord Consortium and has 20 years prior experience classroom…
Curriculum and Professional Development Consultant
Michael Steele Educator Associate Professor University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UW-Milwaukee)…
Associate Professor
Richard Steinberg Email Professor The City College of New York, CUNY
Christine Stephenson Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA)
Morton Sternheim University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass Amherst)
Scott Stevens Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
David Stinson Georgia State University (GSU)
Patricia Stoddart Professor Trish Stoddart, is an expert in preparing teachers to teach academic subjects to ELL with an emphasis on science and math. Dr Stoddart has led several large…
Eric Strauss Dr. Strauss came to LMU from Boston College in 2010 as a Presidential Professor of Urban Ecology and is the Founding Director of the new Center for Urban Resilience (CURes…
Terrell Strayhorn Email Ohio State University (OSU)
Johannes Strobel Email Director of INSPIRE, and Assistant Professor Texas A&M University…
Director of INSPIRE, and Assistant Professor
Carol Stuessy Texas A&M University
Judith Stull Temple University
Cynthia Sunal Professor of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Alabama and Director, The Office of Research on Teaching in the Disciplines. Executive editor of the Journal…
Dennis Sunal Dennis Sunal holds a Ph.D. in science education, MA in Interdisciplinary Science, and a BS in Physics, all from the University of Michigan. He currently is a Professor of…
Science Education
LeeAnn Sutherland Email Discipline Specialist (Other) Research Scientist University of…
Research Scientist
John Sutton Dr. Sutton serves as Co-PI for the NSF-funded Examining Mathematics Coaching DRK-12 project and brings to his position more than 30 years of experience in project management…
Senior Research Associate
Karen Swan
Karen Swan Email Stukel Professor of Educational Leadership University of Illinois at Springfield (UIS…
Stukel Professor of Educational Leadership
Robert Tai
Robert Tai University of Virginia (UVA)
William Tally Bill Tally is Senior Researcher and Designer at the Center for Children and Technology in New York (CCT), part of the Education Development Center, Inc. For over 20 years…
Senior Research Scientist
Joseph Taylor Email Methodologist Faculty/Principal Researcher University of Colorado,…
Faculty/Principal Researcher
Fatima Terrazas-Arellanes Dr. Fatima E. Terrazas Arellanes is a Research Associate at the Center for Advanced Technology in Education at the University of Oregon. She is a Co-Principal…
Research Associate
Herbert Thier University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley)
Albert Thompson Spelman College
Jessica Thompson Email Research Assistant Professor University of Washington (UW)…
Research Assistant Professor
Patrick Thompson Arizona State University (ASU)
John Tillotson Syracuse University (SU)
Stephanie Timmons-Brown University of Maryland (UMD)
Michael Timms Email Associate Program Director, STEM WestEd
Associate Program Director, STEM
Robert Tinker Email President Emeritus Concord Consortium
President Emeritus
Nancy Trautmann As Director of Education at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Nancy Trautmann leads a team that creates educational resources and experiences for people of all ages,…
Director of Education, Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Phillip Uri Treisman University of Texas, Austin
Anne Tweed
Anne Tweed Director of the North Central Comprehensive Center. Past President of the National Science Teachers Association --2004-2005. Email atweed@mcrel.…
Director North Central Comprehensive Center
Pamela Van Scotter Email Associate Director BSCS
Associate Director
Sarel Van Vuuren Email Research Faculty University of Colorado Boulder
Research Faculty
Andrew Vershon I am a professor and undergraduate director in the Department of Molecular Biology & Biochemistry, Rutgers University. My laboratory studies mechanisms of…
Stamatis Vokos Email Discipline Specialist (STEM) Professor of Physics Seattle Pacific…
Professor of Physics
Rhonda Neal Waltman Email Mobile Area Education Foundation (MAEF)
Janet Warburton Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S. (ARCUS)
Wayne Ward
Wayne Ward Email Chief Scientist Boulder Language Technologies
Chief Scientist
Mitchell Wayne University of Notre Dame
Stacy Wenzel Email Associate Research Professor Loyola University Chicago (LUC)
Associate Research Professor
Tobin White Tobin White studies the use of technology in teaching and learning mathematics. A former high school mathematics teacher, he earned his PhD in mathematics education from…
Assistant Professor