
We invite teachers, coaches, and other instructional leaders who will be using Transition to Algebra materials in the upcoming school year to a special orientation at Education Development Center (EDC). Transition to…
Join the Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) National STEM Learning Resource Center, National Science Foundation staff, and ITEST Principal Investigators for a Q&A session on developing…
The Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship Program is now accepting applications for the 2013-2014 Fellowship Year. The Einstein Fellowship Program is available to current K-12 science, technology, engineering,…
The CADRE Fall 2012 Newsletter is here! Read about upcoming events, new resources, the CADRE Fellowship and more, at:   Don't forget to fill out the Project…
The Diagnosing Teachers' Multiplicative Reasoning project has created 2 assessments for middle school teachers. The first assessment is intended to measure aspects of multiplicative reasoning critical for multiplication…
  KCP Technologies announces the launch of our new website “," offering free online access to Data Games. Data Games is a web application that embeds simple games in a data analysis environment…
CADRE is pleased to announce 3 new resources produced by CADRE partners and/or DR K-12 PIs with support from CADRE: Evaluation in DR K-12 Projects: Options November 2012 Each DR K-12 project has formative and summative…
The social media and technologies toolkit has been updated. Tips on social media statistical tools, free video/screenshare options, and more! Go to:…
NGSS Second and Final Public Draft to be Released Tuesday, January 8 Mark your calendars. The second (and final) public draft of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) will be released on Tuesday, January 8, at…
PARCC is seeking comment from the public on two draft policies related to its next generation assessment system: PARCC (The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers) has released for public comment…
About: SmartGraphs is free, open source software that helps students understand graphs and concepts represented in graphs (e.g., slope, velocity, half-life, global warming). Contest Info: The Concord Consortium is…
Focusing on the dissemination of DR K-12 work, this newsletter features a new spotlight on Formative Assessment, dissemination tips and resources, CADRE Fellows highlights, and more! Read the full newsletter
Oregon State University seeks a full-time Director to lead and grow its university-wide Center for Research on Lifelong STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Learning.  The Center was established in…
Important Notice on the Impact of FY 2013 Sequestration Order on NSF Awards Read the NSF Notice here:  
The Cyber Enabled Learning project will host an institute on April 12, 2013, from 5 pm to 7 pm. All participating teachers and administrators are invited. The purpose of the institute is to report the teachers' progress,…
AERA-Virtual Research Learning Center (AERA-VRLC) The AERA-VRLC will offer live webcasts of select professional development and training courses during the 2013 AERA Annual Meeting. Course participants from anywhere in…
DR K-12 project Confronting the Challenges of Climate Literacy, known as the EarthLabs project, will host 2 week-long workshops this summer for high school teachers in Austin, TX and Starkville, MS. Workshop participants…
IES Releases FY2014 Funding Announcements for Grant Competitions in Education Research and Training IES has released FY2014 funding announcements for grant competitions in education research and research training.…
As a reminder, the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) has two draft policies currently out for public comment. Please use the links below to review the draft policies and the associated…
DR K-12 project EcoMobile was featured in Edweek this week, "Mobile Apps Make Field Trips More Interactive". Read the article at:…
Congratulations to DR K-12 PI Sharon Nelson-Barber, the recipient of AERA's 2013 Scholars of Color Distinguished Scholar Award! Read more at:…
The National Center for Education Statistics released The Condition of Education 2013. The 42 indicators presented in The Condition of Education 2013 provide a progress report on education in America and include findings…
All nominations for the AAAS Mentor Awards are due by July 31, 2013, Midnight EST. The Mentor Awards honor individuals who have demonstrated extraordinary leadership to increase the participation of underrepresented groups…
The 2014 AERA Annual Meeting  will be held Thursday, April 3 – Monday, April 7 in Philadelphia, PA. This year’s Annual Meeting Theme will be: “The Power of Education Research for Innovation in Practice and Policy”.…
Read our latest newsletter at
The Institute of Education Sciences (IES) at the Department of Education is accepting applications for employment in the Knowledge Utilization Division of the National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional…