
Registration is open for the 2010 DR K-12 PI Meeting.  Due to the large size of the DR K-12 program, the meeting is open to invited guests only.  Check your inboxes (and spam boxes) for the invitation. http://…
New state-level data on statewide policies on assessments, adequate yearly progress, high school graduation, and certification requirements for teachers are now available on the State Education Reforms website, hosted by…
Precision Gains from Publically Available School Proficiency Measures Compared to Study-Collected Test Scores in Education Cluster-Randomized Trials In randomized controlled trials (RCTs) where the outcome is a student-…
  The Center for Elementary Mathematics and Science Education at the University of Chicago is convening a series of on-line forums on fidelity of implementation with a particular focus on STEM education programs…
The National Education Technology Plan was released by the U.S. Dept of Education. The Administration sets target of 2015 to reach five key goals. To read the finalized NETP, "Transforming American Education: Learning…
The Agenda for the 2010 DR K-12 PI Meeting is now online.    ·         Download a printable version of the agenda. [PDF 382KB] ·       …
The 2011 Spring Drive-In Conference for Middle Grade Math and Science teachers will take place at North Carolina A&T State University on February 19. A series of activities will be provided by University faculty…
The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is an internationally standardised assessment that was jointly developed by participating economies and administered to15-year-olds in schools. Click here to read…
On Friday, December 17, the Senate passed an amended version of the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act (HR 5116). The bill would authorize funding for research programs at the National Science Foundation (NSF), the…
From the Aspen Institute: On Friday, December 17, 2010, the Aspen Institute Education and Society Program released a new publication, Assessment 2.0: "Next-Generation" Comprehensive Assessment Systems, with a panel…
For more information on the bill: The final vote in the House was 228 to 130 with 75 members not voting.  The details of the vote are here: The Speaker of the House…
Special Issue: Large-Scale Interventions in Science Education for Diverse Student Groups in Varied Educational Settings The Journal of Research in Science Teaching (JRST) invites you to prepare a manuscript for the…
Education Opportunities in NASA STEM (EONS) Workshop will be held January 20, 2011 at the Westin in Washington, D.C. For more information on this workshop or to read more about other NASA opportunities and solicitations,…
Recommendations from the CBMS Forum, October 2010. This white paper synthesizes the key recommendations for the continuing mathematical education of teachers generated at the CBMS Forum last October. To read the full…
Report Identifies Instruments for Measuring Student Engagement This report reviews the characteristics of 21 instruments that measure student engagement in upper elementary through high school. It summarizes what each…
The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) has just released The Nation’s Report Card: Science 2009. The 2009 science report presents results for students in grades 4, 8, and 12. National results for each of…
On Monday, February 14, Dr. Subra Suresh, NSF Executive Director, will present the FY2012 Budget Overview at the NSF headquarters, 4201 Wilson Blvd, Arlington.  The ASEE Engineering Deans Council, in conjunction…
Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears (, aNSF-funded project of the School of Teaching and Learning, College ofEducation and Human Ecology, has been awarded the AAAS Science Prize forOnline…
ITEST and COSEE Curriculum Development - Webinar     In this webinar, the ITEST Learning Resource Center and COSEE (Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence) will showcase…
Results for The Nation’s Report Card: Science 2009 Trial Urban District Assessment (TUDA) now available! The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) has just released the 2009 Science results for 17…
Joan Ferrini-Mundy to Become NSF Assistant Director for Education and Human Resources February 24, 2011 Joan Ferrini-Mundy has been selected as the new assistant director of the National Science Foundation's (NSF)…
Core Curriculum Must Build a Bridge from Standards to Achievement A group brought together by the Albert Shanker Institute makes a “A Call for Common Content.” “Shared curriculum in the core academic subjects would give…
The 2012 NSELA Professional Development Institute (PDI) on “Leading Professional Development in Science Education” will be held in Indianapolis, IN, on Wednesday, March 28, 2012. This RFP solicits presentations from which…
NSF is funded at $6.9 billion, a reduction of $551 million below the FY 2011 request. This is $307 million more than H.R. 1. For more information,visit:…
On April 21, 2011, Change the Equation will release new state-by-state “Vital Signs” reports which offer states recommendations on improving STEM learning outcomes. Change the Equation will be live streaming their policy…
The first National Science Foundation Regional Grants Conference of fiscal year 2012, will be hosted by The University of Texas at Austin on October 17-18, 2011. Key officials representing each NSF program directorate,…
MSPnet's 2010 User-Friendly Handbook for Project Evaluation Authors:Joy Frechtling, Melvin M. Mark, Debra J. Rog, Veronica Thomas, Henry Frierson, Stafford Hood, Gerunda Hughes, Elmima…
The Condition of Education 2011 and The Condition of Education 2011 in Brief Today, Thursday, May 26th, Commissioner Jack Buckley, National Center for Education Statistics, released The Condition of Education 2011 along…
i3 Investing in Innovation Fund While the program is smaller than last year’s, there is a STEM priority. At a glance: Scale-up Grants:…
The next DR K-12 PI Meeting will be held in 2012. More information on this will be available in the coming weeks.
  The preliminary program for the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness Fall 2011 Conference "Building an Education Science: Improving Mathematics and Science Education for All Students" is online: https…
KCP Technologies has an opening for a Research and Project manager to work on an NSF-funded research and development project with a team of designers, software engineers, curriculum writers and educators developing…
Investing in Innovation (i3) has just announced their Call for Peer Reviewers CONTEXT: The U.S. Department of Education, Office of Innovation and Improvement (OII), is seeking individuals to serve as peer reviewers for…
National Science Board Requests Comments on Draft NSF Merit Review Criteria More than 5,100 individuals responded to a National Science Board task force when it requested input on the criteria that is used to evaluate…
National Science Education Leadership Association / A Framework for K-12 Science Education What: Public briefing to release A Framework for K-12 Science Education When:   Tuesday, July 19, 2011 1:00 p.m.* Where:…
New Commerce Department Report Shows Fast-Growing STEM Jobs Offer Higher Pay, Lower Unemployment WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economics and Statistics Administration (ESA) today released a new report…
Advancing Research on Youth Motivation in STEM The NSF ITEST Learning Resource Center at Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC), will be hosting a convening entitled “Advancing Research on Youth Motivation in STEM” that…