DRK-12 Research and Products

Publication | This study proposes and investigates the effects of a three‐dimensional thinking graph (3DTG) that allows learners to combine in a single image, problem information, subject knowledge (key concepts and their relationships), and the hypothesizing…
Publication | This chapter examines what aspects of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching of Proving (MKT-P) can be observed in written scenarios of classroom interactions, produced by pre-service teachers of mathematics.
Publication | Project Accelerate is a partnership program between Boston University (BU) and the nation’s high schools combining the supportive infrastructures from the students’ traditional school with a highly interactive private edX online instructional…
Publication | Authors discuss some of the affordances and constraints of using online teaching simulations to support reflection on specific pedagogical actions.
Publication | In this study we investigate the teaching of the associative property in a natural classroom setting through observation of classroom video of several elementary math classes in a large urban school district.
Presentation | In this October 25th webinar, NSF Program Officer Rob Ochsendorf introduced DR K-12 grantees to the ins and outs of NSF DR K-12 project management.
Publication | This paper reviews the literature on mentor teachers’ learning in relationship to high leverage practices and summarizes existing research on mentoring and experienced teacher learning that might help inform the design of our model of mentor…
Publication | This blog post includes the link to 4 videos of teachers using the project's middle school ecosystems unit.
Publication | This tool is designed for early career STEM education researchers to offer tips for pursuing careers in academia. The advice largely comes from National Science Foundation-funded awardees who have graciously shared information about their own…
Publication | This tool is designed for early career STEM education researchers to offer tips for pursuing careers outside of academia. The advice largely comes from National Science Foundation-funded awardees who have graciously shared information about…
Publication | Inclusive STEM high schools (ISHSs) (where STEM is science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) admit students on the basis of interest rather than competitive examination. This study examines the central assumption behind these schools—…
Publication | Following the launch of Spotlight on Online & Blended Professional Development (PD), CADRE convened awardees representing 11 DRK-12 projects in a series of activities designed to elicit and form consensus around emerging design principles…
Publication | This study examines how students’ engineering notebooks across four units of the curriculum Engineering is Elementary (EiE) support student work during design challenges.
Publication | This book examines the extent to which study quality, assessment type, and scaffolding characteristics (strategy, intended outcome, fading schedule, scaffolding intervention, and paired intervention) influence cognitive student outcomes.
Publication | This article describes a new open-source systems modeling tool called SageModeler and a curricular approach designed to support students and teachers in engaging in systems modeling.
Publication | This tool is designed for early career STEM education researchers to offer tips for writing for publication. The advice largely comes from National Science Foundation-funded awardees who have graciously shared information about their own writing…
Publication | This column provides ideas and techniques to enhance your science teaching.
Presentation | This AERA structured poster session shed light on the DRK-12 portfolio of transformative research in mathematics education.
Publication | This tool is designed for early career STEM education researchers to offer tips for building professional networks. The advice largely comes from National Science Foundation-funded awardees and early career researchers and developers who have…
Publication | This study explores the effects of geographic information systems (GIS) curriculum on fifth-grade students' spatial ability and map-analysis skills.
Publication | In this article, we explore how students attempt to bridge from their whole number reasoning to integer reasoning as they solve subtraction problems involving negative numbers.
Publication | By altering the framing conditions that accompany video clips posted to the Everyday Mathematics Virtual Learning Community, this study examined whether more deeply analytical comments could be elicited from pre-service teachers.
Product for Educators | Three middle school science curricular units on the topics of genetics, ocean biodiversity & discourse, and solar ovens & design critiques.
Publication | Quality early science education is important for addressing the low science achievement, compared to international peers, of elementary students in the United States. Teachers’ beliefs about their skills in a content area, that is, their content…
Publication | Noticing students' mathematical thinking is a key element of effective instruction, but novice teachers do not naturally engage in this practice. Prospective secondary school mathematics teachers were engaged in an intervention grounded in…