This project is developing and evaluating effectiveness of 15 - 20 short computer mediated animations and games that are designed to: (1) increase students' conceptual understanding in especially problematic topics of middle grades mathematics; and (2) increase students' mathematics process skills with a focus on capabilities to think and talk mathematically.
Math Snacks: Addressing Gaps in Conceptual Mathematics Understanding with Innovative Media
View a project spotlight on Math Snacks.
This project Math Snacks: Addressing Gaps in Conceptual Mathematics Understanding with Innovative Media, led by mathematics and education faculty at New Mexico State University, is developing and evaluating effectiveness of 15 - 20 short computer mediated animations and games that are designed to: (1) increase students' conceptual understanding in especially problematic topics of middle grades mathematics; and (2) increase students' mathematics process skills with a focus on problem-solviing and communicating mathematically. The basic research question for this project is whether the planned collection of computer-mediated animations and games can provide an effective strategy for helping students learn core middle grades mathematics concepts in conceptual areas that research suggests are difficult for these students. A second question relates to types of delivery that are effective for mathematics learning using these tools including in classrooms during extended learning time at home or in informal educational settings. The project is developing and testing the effectiveness of a set of such learning tools and companion print materials, including student and teacher guides, and short video clips documenting best practices by teachers using the developed materials with students. A pilot study in year 3 and a substantial randomized control trial in year 4 will test the effects of using the Math Snacks web-based and mobile technologies on student learning and retention of identified core middle school mathematics concepts, as measured by performance on disaggregated strands of the New Mexico state standardized mathematics assessments. Thus the project will produce animations and games using the web and new mobile technologies, and useful empirical evidence about the efficacy of their use. One of the key features of the Math Snacks project is development of the mediated games and simulations in a form that can be used by students outside of normal classroom settings on media and game players that are ubiquitous and popular among today's young people. Thus the project holds the promise of exploiting learning in informal settings to enhance traditional school experiences.
Project Videos
2015 STEM for All Video Showcase
Title: Math Snacks
Presenter(s): Barbara Chamberlin, Sara Morales, Karen Trujillo, & Karin Wiburg |