Guidelines for Updating the Project Description Form

Participants from past meetings have indicated that reviewing project information helps them identify projects they find interesting and PIs to meet. To facilitate this process, and because there is public traffic on the CADRE website, please take the following steps to make sure the information available on your project is accurate, complete, and up-to-date.

In order to register, at least one PI or Co-PI from each DR K-12 project must review and provide necessary updates to their project’s information during registration. If you have made previous edits to your project’s page, the most recent version will be available to review and edit during the PI Meeting registration process.  

***You will not be able to register until ALL required fields have been completed and saved on the project update registration form. If you save a project update form that is missing required information, its status will remain “incomplete”. The following fields are required:

  • Project Name: Review for accuracy.
  • Project Description (short): Provide a brief description (75 words or less) to give users a quick synopsis of your project’s focus and work.
  • Lead Organization: Review for accuracy. For help on how to add or change the Lead Organization, click here.
  • Award Number: Review for accuracy.

***Attendees are asked to provide as much detail as possible about each aspect of your work, particularly the following items:

  • Keywords: Review and update the keywords used to characterize your project. (A keywords tutorial is available here.) Make sure that keywords in each category, particularly the following, are up to date.

-Target Audience (Age/Grade Level)
-Project Focus (Content Area)
-Challenge Area

  • Full Description: Provide a description of your project which offers further detail on the following, as appropriate:

-Target audience
-Research question(s) and methodology
-Conference/Symposia purpose and agenda
-Resource design, pilot- and/or field-test process
-Type and features of resources/products and intended use
-Outcomes and findings
-Evaluation plan
-Dissemination plan

Important: After completing your registration, you may continue to make changes to your project’s page using the regular editing tools shown here. Note that the project information you provide during registration is linked to your project profile and will be included on your project’s page, which is accessible to meeting participants and the public. 


In order for project staff to appear in the member list on your project's page, they will need to create an account on Project staff should:

  1. Check to make sure they don't already have an account, by searching the site for their name. If they do, they should log in and click the "Join" link while viewing your project's page.
  2. If not, use this link to create a new account (must be logged out): 
  3. Select the appropriate project title during registration and submit the completed form.
  4. PI or another project admin can assign a member title in the Manage Members section of their project page.
  5. For assistance, visit the help section on creating a new account or email


If you have deliverables such as products, papers, or findings, give others access by posting them to your project’s page. 

General Posting Instructions

  1. Post publications
  2. Post presentations
  3. Post tools
  4. Post other documents, images, or video