Prior to my appointment at SDSU, I was on the faculty at Boston University. I attended UC Santa Cruz for graduate school.
- Zahner, W., Milbourne, H., & Wynn, L. (2018). Developing and refining a framework for mathematical and linguistic complexity in tasks related to rates of change. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 52, 21-36.*
- de Araujo, Z., Roberts, S., Willey, C. & Zahner, W. (2018). English learners in K-12 mathematics education: A review of the literature. Review of Educational Research, 88(6), 879-919.*
- Zahner, W., Wynn, L., and Ulloa, S. (2018). Designing and redesigning a lesson for equity and access in a linguistically diverse high school classroom. In D. White, A. Fernandes, & M. Civil, Access and Equity Promoting High Quality Mathematics in Grades 9-12 (pp. 107-124). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.*
- Zahner, W. & Gutierrez, R. (2015). Using multiple representations of functions in mathematical discussions with English language learners. In A. Bright, H. Hansen-Thomas, & L. De Olivera (Eds.) The Common Core State Standards in Mathematics for English Language Learners (pp. 107-122). Alexandria, VA: TESOL International Association in conjunction with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.*
- Zahner, W. Chapin, S., Levine, R. He, L. & Afonso, R. (2019). Examining the recruitment, placement, and career trajectories of secondary mathematics teachers prepared for high need schools. Teachers College Record, 121(2), 1-36.