Hiller Spires

Citations of DRK-12 or Related Work (DRK-12 work is denoted by *)
  • Kerkhoff, S. N., Spires, H., & Wright, S. J. (In Press). A world of difference: Teaching global citizenship through inquiry in a rural junior high school. In A. Cordova & W. Reynolds (Eds.), Educating for social justice: Field notes from rural communities. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.*
  • Spires, H., Himes, M., Paul, C. & Kerkhoff, S. (2019). Going global with project-based inquiry: Cosmopolitan literacies in practice. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 63(1), 51-64.*
  • Spires, H., Medlock Paul, C., Himes, M. & Yuan, C. (2018). Cross-cultural collaborative inquiry: A collective case study with students from China and the US. International Journal of Educational Research, 91, 28-40.*
  • Spires, H., Kerkhoff, S., & Fortune, N. (2018). Educational cosmopolitanism and collaborative inquiry with Chinese and US teachers. Teaching Education, 30(4), 437–454. DOI: 10.1080/10476210.2018.1506431.*
North Carolina State University (NCSU)

This project will address STEM learning through classroom implementation at two project partner schools in North Carolina, one urban and the other rural, with culturally diverse student populations. The project offers high school students the opportunity to be immersed in science content through engaging in globally-relevant learner-centered activities.