Professional Title
Vice President
About Me (Bio)
With more than 30 years of professional experience, Dave Weaver brings a wide range of skills to designing and implementing program evaluation, research, and technical assistance projects in the areas of science, mathematics, and technology education. He is a member of the leadership team that oversees the operation of the Portland office of RMC Research Corporation and a Senior Research Associate responsible for directing a wide variety of projects. Currently he serves on the management team of the Northwest Regional Comprehensive Center funded by the U.S. Department of Education to provide technical assistance to state education agencies and the external evaluator for the National Center on Response to Intervention funded by the Office of Special Education Programs. He is the principal investigator for the Surveys of Enacted Curriculum Professional Development Model project that is enhancing an online state assessment and standards data collection and reporting system. Additionally, he is responsible for the evaluations of the Making Mathematical Reasoning Explicit project; Washington State’s Leadership and Assistance for Science Education Reform (LASER) project; the Oregon Mathematics Leadership Institute’s Mathematics and Science Partnership project; and Partners in Discovery, a graduate fellowship project funded by the National Science Foundation.
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