Teachers Extending Their Knowledge in Online Collaborative Learning Environments: Opportunities and Challenges

Join two projects to discuss the challenges and opportunities afforded through online environments for providing professional development and supporting classroom implementation of mathematical practices.


Teams of researchers from Drexel University, Rutgers University, University of Missouri, and the Math Forum have been investigating online environments for math education and math teacher professional learning communities. The Virtual Math Teams project has developed a synchronous, multi-user GeoGebra implementation and studies the learning of small groups as well as the preparation of teachers to facilitate this learning. The EnCoMPASS project is developing an online formative assessment environment and professional community that supports math teachers to effectively engage the work of students on rich tasks. To a large extent these projects are focused on the development of Mathematical Practices (mathematical thinking and habits of mind). In this session, presenters will share the work of these projects, discuss the extent to which they are successfully achieving their objectives, and discuss the design of online environments that help teachers effectively facilitate such learning.

Following an overview of each project, presenters will facilitate sharing and discussion in small groups, followed by whole group discussion of emerging issues and insights. Participants will examine examples of student and teacher work and discuss the mathematics exhibited and the technological environment. They will also look at examples of teacher interaction and learning, discussing the challenges and opportunities for professional development and support of classroom implementation in these online contexts.

Session Types