Explore whether Network Improvement Communities might inform and guide dissemination efforts, and then engage in debate about STEM reforms at the local or global level.
For a description of the Crossroads session structure, please see the initial Crossroads session.
Mark Windschitl’s team has refined a suite of tools that supports rigorous and equitable science teaching. Having direct and frequent contact with the science teachers, first within teacher preparation but also via mentoring and induction, has shown the utility of ambitious science teaching. As he looks toward disseminating the instructional tools, Windschitl is contemplating the value in producing tools to support clusters of professional networks wherein practice-driven innovations can be actualized. The notion of communities and networks may be a promising framework. Meanwhile, Sharon Lynch finds herself in a leadership role within a national organization that believes it should take a more global outlook on science education. The organizational dilemma comes down to becoming more worldly in its knowledge but without sacrificing its potential to shape science education policy within the United States. While not necessarily competing agendas, Lynch is looking for guidance about how to help the organization do good work on both fronts rather than risk the danger of barely perceptible changes everywhere.