
It seems like there are new tech and social media tools coming out every day. So what’s out there? And how can these tools be used to enhance your work? Just Getting Started? First, ask yourself if…
This study examines the design and implementation of a simulated teaching environment in Second Life for prospective teachers. From the perspectives of Graduate Research Assistants (GRAs), this study…
The Concord Consortium has developed 19 activities for teaching and learning algebra that are available online or as an app for iPad or Android tablet computers. These activities—which cover a variety of algebra topics,…
In this paper, we present an overview of the National Science Foundation (NSF) funded Knowledge for Algebra Teaching for Equity (KATE) Project and experiences from preservice teachers who are preparing for teaching middle…
Stahl, G. (2012d). Theories of cognition in collaborative learning. In C. Hmelo-Silver, A. O'Donnell, C. Chan & C. Chinn (Eds.), International handbook of collaborative learning. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis.…
This article presents our plans and initial work to explore how mathematics teacher education programs can prepare teachers for diverse middle grades classrooms. It describes the start-up of a five-year National Science…
McElhaney, K.W. & Linn, M.C. (2011). Investigations of a Complex, Realistic Task: Intentional, Unsystematic, and Exhaustive Experimenters. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 48(7), 745-770. ABSTRACT: This study…
As part of the Data Games project, we are researching how students record and organize multivariate data. This research is informing the design of new software interfaces for Fathom and TinkerPlots that will allow students…