
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this conference will be held virtually. To learn more, visit DRK-12 Presenters: Beth Chance and Soma Roy, Cal Poly State University; Josephine Louie…
This poster provides an overview of the Strengthening Data Literacy across the Curriculum (SDLC) project, which is developing and studying curriculum modules for non-AP high school statistics classes to promote interest…
This article focuses on discussion and preliminary findings from classroom testing of the prototype learning module: Investigating Income Inequality in the U.S. This article focuses on discussion and…
As the discipline of statistics education broadens to data science education, there is a need to examine how practices in data science can inform work in K-12. We synthesize literature about statistics investigation…
In this article, authors described the six-phase data investigation process for analyzing large-scale quantitative and categorical data. Lee, H.S., Mojica, G. M., & Thrasher, E. (2022). Digging into…
Effective data literacy instruction requires that learners move beyond understanding statistics to being able to humanize data through a contextual understanding of argumentation and reasoning in the real-world. In this…
We explore the implementation of a co-designed data-dance unit in which middle school students created their own embodied metaphors to represent and communicate about graphs through dance. In analyzing dance artifacts and…
To promote understanding of and interest in working with data among diverse student populations, we developed and studied a high school mathematics curriculum module that examines income inequality in the United States…
Students need “critical data literacy” skills to help make sense of the multitude of information available to them, especially as it relates to high-stakes issues of social justice. The authors describe two curriculum…
Civic Statistics by its nature is highly interdisciplinary. From a cross-curricular perspective, teaching and learning Civic Statistics faces specific challenges related to the preparation of teachers and the design of…
This webinar provided early career data science education researchers with information on the state of the field; tools, curricula, and other resources for researchers; and insight into funding opportunities and proposal…
In this study, 82 middle and high school teachers engaged with the InSTEP online professional learning platform to develop their expertise in teaching data science and statistics. We investigated teachers’ engagement…
The InSTEP professional learning platform aims to support grades 6-12 teachers’ professional learning in teaching statistics and data science through a personalized online learning platform. While statistics and data…
A curriculum developer on the DataPBL project details his journey searching for data about the Japanese American internment for 8th grade students to explore with CODAP. A curriculum developer on the…
The DataPBL project enlisted a team of teachers, data science educators, and researchers to co-design data experiences for the eighth grade Japanese American Internment curriculum module developed by EL Education…
Rachel Folger laughs when she recounts the time one of the students in her eighth grade social studies class exclaimed, “Whoa, Ms. Folger! Did you know that this is just what we’re doing in math?” Rachel is thrilled that…
This self-reflective case study describes our project team’s efforts to promote equity in science professional learning (PL) by centering the voices of educators in the PL design process and within the course itself. In…
In today’s technologically complex and connected world, students’ needs to develop competencies and confidence with data have never been greater. The authors describe effective practices for engaging all students with data…
Rejuvenate your teaching strategies and collaborate with some of the best minds in the mathematics education field. The NCTM 2010 Annual Meeting is one professional development opportunity you don’t want to miss. The…
Regional Conferences feature more than 200 presentations offering quality professional development at locations throughout North America. These sessions and workshops are led by some of the best math teachers and…
Regional Conferences feature more than 200 presentations offering quality professional development at locations throughout North America. These sessions and workshops are led by some of the best math teachers and…
Regional Conferences feature more than 200 presentations offering quality professional development at locations throughout North America. These sessions and workshops are led by some of the best math teachers and…
For more information on the 2011 NCTM Annual Meeting and Exposition, visit the NCTM website. For more information on proposal submission, click here. Look for these DR K-12 grantees who are presenting: Session Title:…
Whether you're a first-timer or a veteran of NCSM Annual Conferences, join us for three exciting days focused on important issues for leaders in mathematics education. NCSM's Program Committee has lined up a terrific slate…
The Fourteenth Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) will be held in Irvine, California from Thursday, January 28 through Saturday, January 30, 2010. Conference sessions will begin…
High School Statistics Arthur Eisenkraft
Cyberlearning Environmental Science Science Pedagogy Statistics Technology Presentation…
In this pdf are STEM education networks and social media sources that may be of interest to DR-K12 grantees for the purposes of (1) disseminating knowledge and products and (2) developing partnerships with…
This intermediate session demonstrated how we conducted an a priori power analysis for a longitudinal,multisite cluster randomized trial of an early childhood science education program, then later revised it to accommodate…
To learn more, visit International Business Machines (IBM) Conference Statistics…
This webinar, led by Edith Gummer (formerly of NSF), discusses the guidelines outlined in the report co-authored by the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education and the National Science Foundation…
Middle School High School Mathematics Statistics Professional Development Susan Peters