
The present paper documents a quasi-experimental study where high school Earth science students completed these instructional scaffolds, including an explanation task scored for evaluative levels (erroneous, descriptive,…
Shifting people’s judgments toward the scientific involves teaching them to purposefully evaluate connections between evidence and alternative explanations. Shifting people’s judgments toward the…
Authors present a suite of activities in which students apply basic physics concepts to their investigations of exoplanets. The activities were developed and successfully tested with physics and earth science teachers in…
Lessons from the search for alien worlds. Gould, R. R., S. Sunbury, & Dussault, M. (2014). In praise of messy data: Lessons from the search for alien worlds. The Science Teacher, 31…
Collection of 158 free interactive math and science simulations from University of Colorado Boulder. Engage students in math and science practices, and virtual labs, during remote learning. Find over 2,000 sim-based…
This chapter describes curricula that use WorldWide Telescope in teaching key topics in Astro 101 and K–12 science, including parallax, Hubble’s Law and large-scale structure in the universe, seasons, Moon phases and…
Join your colleagues in the City of Brotherly Love for NSTA's 58th National Conference on Science Education. Conference registration and exhibits will be at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. Most sessions and events have…
Conference 21st Century Skills Achievement Astronomy Assessment Biology Classroom Practice Chemistry…
Conference 21st Century Skills Achievement Astronomy Assessment Biology Classroom Practice Chemistry…
21st Century Skills Achievement Astronomy Assessment Biology Classroom Practice Chemistry Climate Change…
This article describes The Concord Consortium's High-Adventure Science Project, which brings frontier science into the classroom, allowing students to explore questions in Earth and space science that scientists are…
Conference Astronomy Sun, 06/07/2009 - 01:00 - Wed, 06/10/2009 - 00:59