
Susan Kirch Email Discipline Specialist (STEM) Associate Professor New York…
Associate Professor
Carolyn Knox I became a technology-using educator in 1983, teaching Logo to TAG students in a University of Oregon computer lab. As Assistant Director of the Center for Advanced…
Research Associate
Jennifer Knudsen Jennifer Knudsen has designed curriculum and professional development for the past 25 years. She currently leads research and design work on professional development…
Senior Mathematics Educator
Eric Knuth
Eric Knuth Email Professor The University of Texas at Austin…
Kimberle Koile Email Research Scientist Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Concord…
Research Scientist
Clifford Konold Cliff Konold is Director of the Scientific Reasoning Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. A psychologist by training, he studies how people…
Research Associate Professor
Deanna Kosaraju Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology (ABI)
Joseph Krajcik Joe Krajcik serves as director of the Institute for Research on Mathematics and Science Education and as a faculty member in science education. A former high school…
Director, CREATE for STEM Institute
Steven Kramer Email Senior Researcher Arcadia University…
Senior Researcher