DRK-12 Research and Products

Tool | CADRE has compiled sortable Excel lists of DR K-12 projects that work in a particular topic area (e.g., algebra, earth science) or with a particular target audience. These lists can be useful tools in writing proposals for conferences or future…
Publication | In this study, we analyze log data to examine the granularity of students’ interactions with automated scores and feedback and investigate the association between various students’ behaviors and their science performance
Publication | This article presents an instructional strategy called Mathematical Bet Lines that was designed to promote classroom discourse and sense-making for all students, in particular English Language Learners.
Presentation | In this November 29th webinar, NSF Program Officer David Campbell introduced DR K-12 awardees to the ins and outs of NSF DR K-12 project management.
Publication | By evaluating alternative models, students can improve upon their scientific literacy and understanding of scientific practices. Suggestions from classroom use of the Moon MEL will help teachers use this activity in a productive manner.
Publication | In this study we explored the scientific argumentation beliefs of teachers in low, mid, and high SES schools.
Publication | The importance of valuing student ideas in science education stands on firm empirical, theoretical, and moral grounds. However, the reasons for which one might value student ideas are often not explicitly distinguished, even if implicit…
Publication | Current intervention research in special education focuses on children's responsiveness to teacher modeled strategies and not conceptual development within children's thinking. As a result, there is a need for research that provides a…
Publication | No longer only for the elite, a new generation of science high schools could help low-income and minority students get better jobs.
Publication | This paper describes a model for differentiating professional development to address teachers’ varied knowledge, experiences, and interests.
Publication | The state of Florida has taken an unprecedented approach to teacher professional development in its Race to the Top (RTTT) Program application by proposing to promote an international innovation that originates in Japan, “lesson study,” as a…
Publication | This article describes how a Model-Evidence Link (MEL) lesson can effectively be used to assist learners in weighing the plausibility of different viewpoints of the uses of wetlands, a socio-scientific issue.
Publication | This article presents EarSketch, a learning environment that combines computer programming with sample-based music production to create a computational remixing environment for learning introductory computing concepts.
Publication | The logic underlying inclusive STEM high schools (ISHSs) posits that requiring all students to take advanced college preparatory STEM courses while providing student-centered, reform-oriented instruction, ample student supports, and real-world…
Publication | This paper investigates the potential role of emotional costs and computer self-efficacy in the connection between computer use at home and students’ computer use patterns.
Publication | This Sprout Pro in a classroom handbook is designed to give you a starting point for integrating Sprout Pro into your learning environment and igniting your students’ creativity.
Publication | This white paper clarifies different purposes elementary students might write in math class and presents four types of mathematical writing. We define "mathematical writing" as writing that encourages students to engage in mathematical reasoning…
Publication | This chapter examines the affordances of museum resources in informal settings and how they shape science teacher identity.
Publication | This report summarizes the 2013, 2014, and 2015 findings from a longitudinal survey of district professional development coordinators across the state of Florida. The results are presented with six sections: 1) District policy and practice, 2)…
Publication | The two models presented in the Fracking MEL allow students to engage in scientific discussions just as researchers also examine relations between fracking and earthquakes.
Publication | This article considers a role for live coding that does not focus on live performance but rather on educational contexts.
Publication | In this study we seek to better understand some of the factors that might contribute to or potentially mitigate early STEM pipeline leaks, specifically, high school graduation and college entrance leaks.
Publication | In this study, we conducted in-depth interviews with 106 students from sixth to twelfth grade and 34 middle and high school teachers about how they conceptualized math and science engagement and disengagement.