DRK-12 Research and Products

Product for Educators | Support materials for teaching about the particle model of matter and interdependent relationships in ecosystems at the upper elementary level.
Publication | This chapter focuses on the design of simulation assessments to learn about pre-service teachers’ capabilities with eliciting and interpreting student thinking.
Publication | This executive summary captures the results of the National Survey on Supporting Struggling Mathematics Learners in the Middle Grades, a study designed and conducted by EDC. T
Publication | This column describes creating a classroom culture for engineering.
Publication | The authors fuse Universal Design for Learning (UDL), differentiation, and talk moves into three key planning and pedagogy considerations.
Publication | This paper explores the CAT Capability Flow, which begins to describe the processes and sub-skills and capabilities involve in computational algorithmic thinking (CAT). To do this, authors engage in an approach which results in an initial…
Presentation | This presntation addreses 4 research cquestions •What extant criteria do Grade 8 students use to choose the better lineof fit between two lines “fit” to a set of data, when both lines expressthe trend of the data? •Is a residual…
Publication | Authors discuss insights from research on K-16 climate education.
Publication | This chapter explores a way of describing the teacher education curricular materials being developed by mathematics teacher educators through their interaction with the LessonSketch online platform.
Publication | This column provides how-to strategies and practical advice for the science teacher.
Publication | Authors discuss some of the affordances and constraints of using online teaching simulations to support reflection on specific pedagogical actions.
Publication | This editorial is part of a special issue of Investigations in Mathematics Learning Critical Approaches that was inspired by a Disability in Mathematics Education working group.
Publication | An investigation of elementary teachers’ noticing of students’ ideas and their thinking surrounding their noticing practice.
Publication | The purpose of this study is to explore to what extent supporting elementary teachers’ PCK about teaching engineering would improve their beliefs that students’ engineering learning can be influenced by effective engineering instruction.
Publication | Features approaches for leveraging PCK research in STEM learning across formal and informal settings.
Publication | Students who earned high marks during the proof semester of a geometry course were interviewed to understand what high-achieving students actually took away from the treatment of proof in geometry. The findings suggest that students had turned…
Publication | This study investigates the emergence and cultivation of teachers' “epistemic empathy” in response to analyzing videos of student inquiry. We define epistemic empathy as the act of understanding and appreciating someone's cognitive and…
Publication | This article examines recognition by presenting the case of a physics teacher, Dr. D, and his student, Kristina, to address the question: What are the ways in which a young woman perceives recognition from her teacher?
Publication | Effective as of January 2018, NSF's Prospective New Awardee Guide includes information on federal requirements, NSF points of contact and frequently asked questions, grantee standards, and indirect costs.
Publication | This article looks at strategies that create access while maintaining the cognitive demand of a mathematics task.
Product for Educators | The Argumentation Toolkit is a collection of resources, including classroom videos, strategy guides and professional learning modules, designed to help teachers understand and teach scientific argumentation.
Publication | The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a survey of opportunities to participate (OtP) in science that will allow educators and researchers to closely approximate the types of learning opportunities students have in science…
Product for Educators | Model My Watershed is a watershed-modeling web app that enables citizens, conservation practitioners, municipal decision-makers, educators, and students to analyze real land use and soil data in their neighborhoods and watersheds;…
Publication | This proof of concept study investigated a secondary science teacher preparation intervention in six university programs across Arizona, California, and Texas. Researchers and science method instructors (SMIs) collaboratively restructured…
Product for Educators | Design Technology and Engineering Education (DTEEL) for bilingual English Learner Students is a K-5th grade curriculum focused on language development through engineering design and problem solving. Each grade level includes a series…