DRK-12 Research and Products

Tool | In this short text, the power of formative assessment as a teaching tool is detailed, and examples of opportunities for formative assessment within Foundation Science Biology proposed, for Learning Experiences (LE) 2, 3 and 4.
Presentation | In this video, find out more about the Museum's Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program from five MAT graduates in the class of 2013, who are now teaching in New York City's public schools. The MAT program with a specialization in teaching…
Publication | Exploring students' problem solving within an integrated engineering and literacy activity
Publication | This study examines the design and implementation of a simulated teaching environment in Second Life for prospective teachers.
Publication | “Workers in STEM fields play a direct role in driving economic growth. Yet, because of how the STEM economy has been defined, policymakers have mainly focused on supporting workers with at least a bachelor’s degree, overlooking a strong…
Publication | Examining discourse of a team of pre-service teachers within an IEL engineering design challenge
Publication | One of the many challenges that teachers face in mathematics classrooms is determining how much of the verbal and written explanations help students accomplish instructional goals. The challenge is greater in linguistically diverse classrooms…
Publication | Lessons from the search for alien worlds.
Product for Educators | Play nine math learning apps and dozens of hands-on activities at home or in the classroom. A digital Teacher's Guide supports use in the classroom, and a digital Family Fun Guide provides activities to do at home.
Presentation | A 2-page summary of the ASPECT project, including project goals, approach, year one accomplishments, early findings, current efforts, and early impacts.
Publication | Understanding how games create a sense of flow and engagement can help teachers make better choices about their instructional use of games.
Presentation | In this 2-webinar series hosted by CADRE, NSF provides an overview of the DR K-12 funding program and reviews this year's DR K-12 solicitation.