360 Video as an Immersive Representation of Practice: Interactions between Reported Benefits and Teacher Noticing

This study examined and compared teachers’ perceived affordances of 360 video as a representation of practice and their professional noticing of students’ mathematics in 360 videos. Data were collected from both preservice and inservice teachers (n = 34) enrolled in one of three mathematics pedagogy courses. Data included participant responses after watching a 360 video of a primary grades mathematics lesson on the commutative property. Teachers described an important student action and indicated where they focused while watching the video. Findings indicate participating teachers considered 360 videos to be useful in facilitating attending to students’ mathematics and adjusting the camera perspective were beneficial. Results from this study suggest that referencing teacher movement and student tables or groups is associated with a higher focus on student actions and that 360 video affords opportunities for teachers to notice students’ mathematical thinking.

Kosko, K. W., Weston, T. L., & Amador, J. (2021). 360 video as an immersive representation of practice: Interactions between reported benefits and teacher noticing. Mathematics Teacher Education and Development, 23(4), 162-181.