This project builds and tests applications tied to the school curriculum that integrate the sciences with mathematics, computational thinking, reading and writing in elementary schools. The investigative core of the project is to determine how to best integrate computing across the curriculum in such a way as to support STEM learning and lead more urban children to STEM career paths.
Integrating Computing Across the Curriculum (ICAC): Incorporating Technology into STEM Education Using XO Laptops
Computer access has opened an exciting new dimension for STEM education; however, if computers in the classroom are to realize their full potential as a tool for advancing STEM education, methods must be developed to allow them to serve as a bridge across the STEM disciplines. The goal of this 60-month multi-method, multi-disciplinary ICAC project is to develop and test a program to increase the number of students in the STEM pipeline by providing teachers and students with curricular training and skills to enhance STEM education in elementary schools. ICAC will be implemented in an urban and predominantly African American school system, since these schools traditionally lag behind in filling the STEM pipeline. Specifically, ICAC will increase computer proficiency (e.g., general usage and programming), science, and mathematics skills of teachers and 4th and 5th grade students, and inform parents about the opportunities available in STEM-centered careers for their children.
The Specific Aims of ICAC are to:
SA1. Conduct a formative assessment with teachers to determine the optimal intervention to ensure productive school, principal, teacher, and student participation.
SA2. Implement a structured intervention aimed at (1) teachers, (2) students, and (3) families that will enhance the students’ understanding of STEM fundamentals by incorporating laptops into an inquiry-based educational process.
SA3. Assess the effects of ICAC on:
a. Student STEM engagement and performance.
b. Teacher and student computing specific confidence and utilization.
c. Student interest in technology and STEM careers.
d. Parents’ attitudes toward STEM careers and use of computers.
To enable us to complete the specific aims noted above, we have conducted a variety of project activities in Years 1-3. These include:
- Classroom observations at the two Year 1 pilot schools
- Project scaling to 6 schools in Year 2 and 10 schools in Year 3
- Semi-structured school administrator interviews in schools
- Professional development sessions for teachers
- Drafting of curriculum modules to be used in summer teacher institutes and for dissemination
- In-class demonstration of curriculum modules
- Scratch festivals each May
- Summer teacher institutes
- Student summer camps
- Surveying of teachers in summer institutes
- Surveying of teachers and students at the beginning and end of the school year
- Showcase event at end of student workshops
The specific ICAC activities for Years 2-5 include:
- Professional development sessions (twice monthly for teachers), to integrate the ‘best practices’ from the program.
- Working groups led by a grade-specific lead teacher. The lead teacher for each grade in each school will identify areas where assistance is needed and will gather the grade-specific cohort of teachers at their school once every two weeks for a meeting to discuss the progress made in addition to challenges to or successes in curricula development.
- ICAC staff and prior trained teachers will visit each class monthly during the year to assist the teachers and to evaluate specific challenges and opportunities for the use of XOs in that classroom.
- In class sessions at least once per month (most likely more often given feedback from Teacher Summer Institutes) to demonstrate lesson plans and assist teachers as they implement lesson plans.
- ICAC staff will also hold a joint meeting of administrators of all target schools each year to assess program progress and challenges.
- Teacher Summer Institutes – scaled-up to teachers from the new schools each summer to provide training in how to incorporate computing into their curriculum.
- Administrator sessions during the Teacher Summer Institutes; designed to provide insight into how the laptops can facilitate the education and comprehension of their students in all areas of the curriculum, discuss flexible models for physical classroom organization to facilitate student learning, and discussions related to how to optimize the use of computing to enhance STEM curricula in their schools. Student Summer Computing Camps – designed to teach students computing concepts, make computing fun, and enhance their interest in STEM careers.
- ICAC will sponsor a yearly showcase event in Years 2-5 that provides opportunities for parents to learn more about technology skills their children are learning (e.g., career options in STEM areas, overview of ICAC, and summary of student projects). At this event, a yearly citywide competition among students also will be held that is an expanded version of the weeklong showcase event during the student summer camps.
- Surveying of students twice a year in intervention schools.
- Surveying of teachers at Summer Institutes and then at the end of the academic year.
- Coding and entry of survey data; coding of interview and observational data.
- Data analysis to examine the specific aims (SA) noted above:
- The impact of ICAC on teacher computing confidence and utilization (SA 3.b).
- Assess the effects of (1) teacher XO training on student computing confidence and utilization (SA 3.b), (2) training on changes in interest in STEM careers (SA 3.c), and (3) XO training on student engagement (SA 3.a).
- A quasi-experimental comparison of intervention and non-intervention schools to assess intervention effects on student achievement (SA 3.a).
- Survey of parents attending the yearly ICAC showcase to assess effects on parental attitudes toward STEM careers and computing (SA 3.d).
The proposed research has the potential for broad impact by leveraging technology in BCS to influence over 8,000 students in the Birmingham area. By targeting 4th and 5th grade students, we expect to impact STEM engagement and preparedness of students before they move into a critical educational and career decision-making process. Further, by bolstering student computer and STEM knowledge, ICAC will impart highly marketable skills that prepare them for the 81% of new jobs that are projected to be in computing and engineering in coming years (as predicted by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics).3 Through its formative and summative assessment, ICAC will offer intellectual merit by providing teachers throughout the US with insights into how computers can be used to integrate the elementary STEM curriculum. ICAC will develop a model for using computers to enhance STEM education across the curriculum while instilling a culture among BCS schools where computing is viewed as a tool for learning.
(Previously listed under Award # 0918216)