Advancing Equity and Strengthening Teaching with Elementary Mathematical Modeling (Collaborative Research: Suh)

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Principal Investigator:

Advancing Equity and Strengthening Teaching with Elementary Mathematical Modeling is a teacher PD project focused on strengthening K-5 teaching with mathematics modeling. Building on previous foundational work around mathematics modeling and equity, this project will bring together equity-oriented teaching practices and mathematical modeling to design and research the impact of a blended PD program on teacher practice.

  • GOAL 1) develop and refine a model for an innovative practice-based, equity-oriented PD that combines on-line and face-to-face learning spaces for teachers in diverse settings;
  • GOAL 2) refine tools and structures aligned with pivotal spaces in MM lessons to advance equitable participation, develop specific math modeling competencies, and in turn,
  • GOAL 3) increase access to and learning of MM for culturally and linguistically diverse children.
Target Audience: