Uncovering the Hidden Curriculum of DRK-12 Awards: Tips and Tools for Writing Successful NSF Grant Proposals

Event Date
Event Description

This NARST preconference workshop will comprise relevant information for writing and refining an NSF DRK-12 grant proposal. The participants will the chance to engage various resources and materials created by the leaders of CADRE (Community for the Advancement of Discovery Research in Education). These resources include but are not limited to how to craft a strong project narrative, identify a robust team, build community partners, and develop a worthwhile budget. Given the commitments expressed by NSF to diversify its portfolio, this workshop is geared towards early career scholars studying at or employed by historically underfunded institutions (i.e., MSIs, R2s, Teaching Institutions, Community Colleges). Early and mid-career scholars from underrepresented groups are also encouraged to participate.

Panelists: Terrell Morton, University of Illinois Chicago, USA; Ilana Horn, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA