Broadening Participation

NSF Welcome & Nexus of Change: Exploring the Intersections Between Broadening Participation, STEM and Computer Science Disciplines, and Technological Innovations in Education


The framing plenary presentation addresses the necessity and urgency for the NSF DRK–12 and STEM+C communities to capitalize on intersections or the nexus of the three domains of broadening participation, STEM+C disciplines, and technological innovations.


The education system is rapidly changing due to three emerging forces: traditional minority groups are now the majority; standards in STEM and computer science are academically rigorous; and technological innovations are advancing fast. The NSF 10 Big Ideas provide the vision for harnessing these emerging forces. This framing plenary presentation will address the necessity and urgency for the NSF DRK–12 and STEM+C communities to capitalize on intersections of the three domains of broadening participation, STEM and computer science disciplines, and technological innovations in education.

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