Middle School

Exploring the Challenges of Supporting Teachers to Enact Ambitious Instruction and Curriculum Practices in Mathematics


This session addresses challenges related to supporting teachers’ use of curriculum materials to address the challenging features of the CCSSM.

2014 Session Types
Collaborative Panel Session
Session Materials

The Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM) offer an opportunity for districts to push teachers to enact ambitious practices around instruction and curriculum use. However, taking up ambitious practices entails a number of challenges, some of which were evident during the NCTM Standards reform movement in the 1990s and early 2000s, and some of which reflect new approaches and new policy contexts.

Building Theory While Supporting Implementation of the NGSS


Implementing the NGSS requires changes in teaching, assessments, and curriculum materials. In this session, participants explore theoretical questions for DR K12 research that are raised by these NGSS implementation challenges.

2014 Session Types
Mini-plenary Presentation

The Next Generation Science Standards present important shifts for science teaching, assessment, and curriculum materials—focusing on core explanatory ideas, a central role for science and engineering practices, and coherence across time and science disciplines. These challenges for practice require new theoretical advances.

Using Learning Progressions for Classroom Assessment and Teaching


Join a discussion addressing how learning progression-based frameworks, assessments, and instruction can support teachers and students in developing increasingly sophisticated scientific knowledge and practice.

2014 Session Types
Collaborative Panel Session

The goal of this session is to discuss possibilities, progress, and problems in using learning progression research to support improved assessment and instruction in middle school and high school classrooms.

In this session, several learning progression-related DR K–12 projects share findings and discuss questions around two issues:

Overcoming Obstacles of Affordability, Flexibility, and Effectiveness to Scaling-Up with a Cyberlearning Professional-Development Model


Participants engage in and provide feedback on a CyberPD environment that overcomes the obstacles related to bringing curriculum-based professional development to scale.

2014 Session Types
Feedback Session (Work in Development)

Research has shown that curriculum-based professional development for teachers is a key component in the effective implementation of innovative, researched-based science curricula. Scaling up to a broad-based national market, however, is logistically constrained and limited by the traditional face-to-face professional development model. A key factor in a districts’ decision-making process affecting the adoption of a research-based curricula is their ability to provide the necessary on-going and timely professional development.

Meaningful Support for Teachers: Specific Ways to Encourage Game-Based Learning in the Classroom


Panelists from three projects share lessons learned in guiding game use in classroom learning, highlighting specific examples of effective resources.

2014 Session Types
Collaborative Panel Session

The three panelists in this session are in the last one or two years of their game-based learning projects, and all have done extensive work in supporting use of their games in classroom learning. As their work has progressed, each has discovered valuable ways to support teachers as well as encountered surprises in what teachers wanted (and didn’t want), and now recognize things they wished they had learned in the beginning of their projects. Session participants leave with recommendations they can use in their current projects, including:

Assessing Secondary Teachers’ Algebraic Habits of Mind


Participants provide feedback on a preliminary paper-and-pencil assessment of secondary teachers’ mathematical habits of mind (MHoM) and use classroom video to examine MHoM in practice.

2014 Session Types
Feedback Session (Work in Development)
Session Materials

In Assessing Secondary Teachers’ Algebraic Habits of Mind, the project team is developing tools to study the following questions: What are the mathematical habits of mind (MHoM) that secondary teachers use, how do they use them, and how can we measure them?

In this session, presenters share a paper-and-pencil assessment being developed to measure how teachers use MHoM when they do mathematics for themselves. The presenters also share classroom video and a preliminary framework for examining MHoM in teaching practice.