
NSF PAPPG Updates Webinar

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NSF's Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) details NSF’s proposal preparation and submission guidelines, and provides guidance on managing and monitoring the award and administration of grants and cooperative agreements made by the Foundation. The webinar will provide an overview of significant changes and clarifications to the PAPPG that will take effect on January 29, 2018.

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eColloq Webinar: Cyberlearning Tools for Mobile, Community Engaged, and Connected Learning

Event Date

The second webinar in a new eColloq Series on Cyberlearning featured presentations by Katie Headrick Taylor and Tom Moher on their research, followed by discussion. The eColloq will be chaired by Michael Hoffmann, Georgia Institute of Technology.


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Two Strategies for Climate Change Education

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Brian Drayton from TERC and Billy Spitzer from the New England Aquarium will discuss two complementary strategies for engaging the public in climate change outside of the classroom. Brian will talk about a citizen science effort, and Billy will talk about an initiative to educate the public at informal science centers. Following a brief exposition of each strategy, they will discuss the similarities and differences between these approaches.

Learn more and Register

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AISL & Broadening Participation

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Sponsoring Organization

As agency and program priorities, broadening participation research and efforts to attract, prepare and support a diverse STEM workforce are of great interest. As such, the aim of this webinar is to provide guidance to project teams that are interested in pursuing research and development work in which broadening participation within informal STEM learning contexts is a primary goal. The two AISL broadening participation related solicitation-specific criteria will be unpacked and portfolio exemplars will be shared.

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How to Write a Competitive AISL Proposal

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Sponsoring Organization

In this webinar, AISL Program Officers will highlight:

  • essential elements that should be in every strong AISL proposal,
  • proposal deficiencies to avoid, and
  • key differences between a highly competitive proposal and a proposal that is not competitive.

This will also be an opportunity to ask questions and receive responses from AISL Program Officers in real time. The webinar will take place on September 19 from 2-3 PM EDT. 

Register here.

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