Now accepting applications for the 2023 CADRE Fellows program!

CADRE is now accepting applications for the 2023 Fellows program. 

The CADRE Fellows program provides professional growth opportunities for early career professionals in the field of preK-12 STEM education research. Through a series of capacity-building activities, the program offers Fellows the opportunity to gain insight into what it takes to be successful and effective in this field, become more familiar with National Science Foundation (NSF) practices, and network with experienced researchers and other early career researchers from across the country. Fellows will be invited to attend the 2023 DRK-12 PI Meeting in Arlington, VA on June 28-30, 2023.

This year the program will be held virtually and run from January - July 2023. Fellows will work together to further develop their research agendas and professional goals while participating in activities focused on: career pathways, research use and dissemination, community building, and research funding. In addition to engaging in conversation with more experienced researchers, the Fellows will share their expertise, experience, and questions with each other while working throughout the program on a career-development project. Refer to the Calendar of Activities for more information.

Applicants must:

  • be a PhD student or early career scholar at a similar point in their career who is committed to supporting diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice in STEM education  
  • complete the online application form, submit application materials, and solicit a recommendation from a more experienced researcher whose studies are related to DRK-12 priorities
  • be able to contribute to and benefit from this program 

Special consideration will be given to applicants who have not had similar professional development opportunities, and are associated with awardees, programs, or institutions that haven’t previously had a CADRE Fellow. Early career STEM education researchers from minority-serving institutions and institutions in EPSCoR states are strongly encouraged to apply.

Learn more and apply on the CADRE Fellows webpage. The application deadline is 5:00pm EST on October 24, 2022.


Comments from previous Fellows on the experience include:

“Being a CADRE Fellow has bolstered my confidence in general and in my ability to be a funded STEM Ed researcher. I met so many helpful PIs who pointed me toward colleagues of theirs at the university where I accepted a faculty position.”

“I think that I feel more confident to approach other researchers and faculty members who have similar interests across different domains… and engage in dialogue with them. I think this will help my confidence in the long run.”

“I think the networking and ‘inside look’ at grant writing for NSF provides me with great advantages for my future career.”

“The whole experience definitely has helped and will continue to help me in building my career as a researcher and educator. I am very impressed by the experiences we were given and the connections with professionals in the field that were made available to us.”

“The biggest thing for me was building my identity as a STEM Ed Researcher, and learning different ways to communicate what is important to me within STEM education contexts. Networking with NSF colleagues was also incredibly invaluable – I feel like I am a part of a super special family now!”