Steven McGee

PI Meeting
Citations of DRK-12 or Related Work (DRK-12 work is denoted by *)
  • *Easley, K., McGee, S., McGee-Tekula, R., Britt, A., Rupp, K, & Higgs, K. (2021, June 7-11). Designing educative supports for scientific argumentation: a case study of DBR before and during the pandemic [Poster presentation]. International Society of the Learning Sciences 2021 Online Conference.
  • *Easley, K.M., McGee, S., & McGee-Tekula, R., Britt, M.A., Rupp, K., & Higgs, K. (in press). Designing educative tools for scientific argumentation: A case study of DBR before and during the pandemic.  Learning, Design, and Technology.
  • *Easley, K.M., Zimmerman, J.K., McGee, S., & McGee-Tekula, R. (in press). Scientific communities of practice: K12 outreach model around organism responses to repeated hurricane disturbances. Ecosphere.
  • *McGee, S. & Zimmerman, J.K. (2016). Taking students on a Journey to El Yunque. International Journal of Designs for Learning, 7(1), 86-106.
  • *McGee, S., Durik, A. M., and Zimmerman, J. K. (2015, April 11-14). The Impact of Text Genre on Science Learning in an Authentic Science Learning Environment [Paper presentation]. 2015 National Association of Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
  • *McGee, S., Durik, A. M., Zimmerman, J. K., McGee-Tekula, R., & Duck, J. (2018). Engaging Middle School Students in Authentic Scientific Practices Can Enhance Their Understanding of Ecosystem Response to Hurricane Disturbance. Forests 9(10), 658.
  • *Rupp, K.E., Higgs, K., Britt, M.A., McGee, S., McGee-Tekula, R., Easley, K.M., Steffens, B., & Durik, A. M. (2021, June 7-11). How does students' perception of the main point of a unit relate to the quality of the final argument? [Poster presentation]. International Society of the Learning Sciences 2021 Online Conference.
  • *Rupp, K.E., Higgs, K., Britt, M.A., McGee, S., McGee-Tekula, R., & Easley, K.M. (2022, March 27-30). Scaffolding Scientific Argumentation in a Science Inquiry Unit [Poster presentation]. National Association of Research on Science Teaching annual meeting. Vancouver, Canada.
The Learning Partnership

This project will support students to develop evidence-based explanations for the impact of disturbances on complex systems. The project will focus on middle school environmental science disciplinary core ideas in life, Earth, and physical sciences and serve as a starting point for supporting students to coordinate different sources of information to parse out the direct and indirect effects of disturbances on components of a system and to examine the interconnections between components to predict whether a system will return to equilibrium (resilience) or the system will change into a new state (hysteresis).