Maisie Gholson

Citations of DRK-12 or Related Work (DRK-12 work is denoted by *)
  • Gholson, M. L., & Wilkes, C. E. (2017). (Mis)taken identities: Reclaiming identities of the “collective Black” in mathematics education research through an exercise in Black specificity. Review of Research in Education, 41(1), 228-252.*
  • Gholson, M. L., & Robinson, D. D. (2019). Restoring Mathematics Identities of Black Learners: A Curricular Approach. Theory Into Practice, 58(4), 347-358.*
  • Gholson, M., & Martin, D. B. (2014). Smart girls, Black girls, mean girls, and bullies: At the intersection of identities and the mediating role of young girls' social network in mathematical communities of practice. Journal of Education, 194(1), 19-33.
University of Michigan (UM)

This study seeks to describe trajectories that describe the ways in which Black learners develop as particular kinds of mathematical learners. The study takes place in the context of an established, multi-year college bridge program that has as its goals to increase the representation of historically marginalized groups in the university community.