Citations of DRK-12 or Related Work (DRK-12 work is denoted by *)
- Gholson, M. L., & Wilkes, C. E. (2017). (Mis)taken identities: Reclaiming identities of the “collective Black” in mathematics education research through an exercise in Black specificity. Review of Research in Education, 41(1), 228-252.*
- Gholson, M. L., & Robinson, D. D. (2019). Restoring Mathematics Identities of Black Learners: A Curricular Approach. Theory Into Practice, 58(4), 347-358.*
- Gholson, M., & Martin, D. B. (2014). Smart girls, Black girls, mean girls, and bullies: At the intersection of identities and the mediating role of young girls' social network in mathematical communities of practice. Journal of Education, 194(1), 19-33.