DR K-12: Research with English Language Learners

Three ELL-focused projects will describe their work in light of cross-project challenges.


Resources mentioned during the presentation:

The purpose of this session is to share information about three of the projects involved in the CADRE working group for English language learners (ELLs) and STEM. The first project, Project MSSELL (Middle School Science for English Language Learners), will report on a two-year randomized-trial  longitudinal study and the effectiveness of instructional interventions in academic science among ELLs and non-ELLs matriculating through grades 5 and 6 with comparison to the typical science instruction in an urban school district in Southeast Texas. The second project, Closing the Math Achievement Gap for English Language Learners: Technology Resources for Pre-algebra, will provide information on how the characteristics of math word problems written in English, such as grammatical complexity and unfamiliar vocabulary, affect mathematics problem solving by middle school ELLs. The third project, Design and Use of Illustrations in Test Items as a Form of Accommodation for English Language Learners in Science and Mathematics Assessment, will report on the validity in the assessment of science and mathematics for ELLs and the urgent need for effective testing accommodations for ELLs. All projects will provide findings to this point in the research.

This session’s facilitator will also serve in the role of discussant; however, the session also will allow some time for questions and answers and also sharing of other DR K–12 programs related to ELLs and STEM.