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The Institute of Education Sciences (IES) at the Department of Education is accepting applications for employment in the Knowledge Utilization Division of the National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional…
What does the United States need to do to build future generations’ knowledge and skills in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), and what kinds of research and innovation can enable the needed changes…
Moving STEM Education Forward: National Priorities and the National Science Foundation’s DR K-12 Program   What does the United States need to do to build future generations’ knowledge and skills in science,…
In this spotlight, eight environmental and Earth Science DRK-12 projects illustrate how the three dimensions identified in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)—Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Disciplinary…
In this spotlight, eight environmental and Earth Science DRK-12 projects illustrate how the three dimensions identified in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)— Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Disciplinary…
NSTA is forming a group of experts to identify resources that will help teachers implement the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). These resources will be featured on a new NGSS@NSTA Portal currently under…
The Global 2013 STEMx Education Conference is the world’s first massively open online conference for educators focusing on Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and more. The conference will be held over the…
The 2013 International Conference on Education and Social Sciences (ICEASS) will be held on September 13-15, 2013 in Singapore. The ICEASS offers a great opportunity to bring together professors, researchers and…
The mission of the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) is to be a central and trusted source of scientific evidence for what works in education. A distinguishing feature of the WWC is that it does not directly assess programs,…
Nature field trips go digital The buzz around the pond these days isn't coming from bees. It's coming from middle-school students on a data collection field trip to a local pond. But on this trip they've traded paper and…
The Research Commercialization and SBIR Center presents two separate SBIR workshops taught by former NIH/NSF SBIR Program Managers and SBIR Reviewers: Applying to the NSF SBIR Phase I Program for First-Time Applicants…
Two DR K-12 projects were featured in the NY Times Special Issue on Learning What Works (Tuesday, September 3, 2013). Scratch Jr., a collaborative project led by Mitchel Resnick and Marina Bers, was featured in the article…
Gary Benenson Engineering Spotlight
Registration is FULL for 3 DR K-12 Program Webinars, led by NSF program officers and hosted by CADRE. However you can still sign up for the webinar wait list by going to the link below. PAST: September 24 (Tuesday), 3:…
Registration is currently full for the September 24th webinar. However, fill out the form below to join the wait list for the September 24 (Tuesday), 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT NSF DR K-12 Program Webinar. If space allows, you will…
Registration is currently full for the September 27th webinar. However, fill out the form below to join the wait list for the  September 27 (Friday), 2:00pm-3:00pm EDT NSF DR K-12 Program Webinar. If space allows, you…
Registration is currently full for the October 2 webinar. However, fill out the form below to join a wait list for the October 2 (Wednesday), 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT NSF DR K-12 Program Webinar. If space allows, you will receive…
Learn more about the National Science Foundation’s Discovery Research K-12 program, as well as the recently released DR K-12 solicitation, by joining us at one of the 3 webinars listed below. The webinars will be led by…
These Design-Based Implementation Research (DBIR)resources provide theoretical background and examples of strategies to address the research and practice gap. Researchers who want to know more about…
Slides and recordings from the NSF DR K-12 Program and Solicitation webinars are now available. See below. 2013 DR K-12 Program Webinars, led by NSF program officers and hosted by CADRE September 24 (…
v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);} /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table…
Proposed ASTE Monograph/Book: Educating Science Teachers for SustainabilityCall for Chapter Proposals As a result of a discussion at the ASTE Environmental Education forum, a group of education researchers is developing a…
This webinar is one of a series of webinars led by NSF to share information about the DR K-12 program and solicitation. September 24 (Tuesday), 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT Presenter: Elizabeth VanderPuttenPowerPoint…
This webinar is one of a series of webinars led by NSF to share information about the DR K-12 program and solicitation. September 24 (Tuesday), 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT Presenter: Elizabeth VanderPuttenPowerPoint…
This webinar is one of a series of webinars led by NSF to share information about the DR K-12 program and solicitation. September 24 (Tuesday), 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT Presenter: Elizabeth VanderPuttenPowerPoint…
If the website outage surprised you, you were not alone. Download a copy of the DR K-12 Program Solicitation:
The Common Guidelines for Education Research and Development "describes NSF and ED’s shared understandings of the roles of various types or “genres” of research in generating evidence about strategies and interventions for…
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Here is the list of the 2013 DR K-12 awards. Note that this list contains newly awarded grants as well as grants continuing under a new award number.
View the full ICLS 2014 website at: Call for Proposals for sessions, papers, and posters The deadline for ICLS 2014 in Boulder, Colorado is November 8, 2013. Submissions from all…
RFP to Build Assessment Professional Development Modules    The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC), a multistate consortium working together to create next generation…
Printable NSF Grant Proposal Guide(Part I: Proposal Preparation & Submission Guidelines)and Award & Administration Guide(Part II: Award & Administration Guidelines) National Science…
Organization Enhancing Teaching and Learning with Social Media: Supporting Teacher Professional Learning and Student Scientific Argumentation
The Validity of Technology-Enhanced Assessment in Geometry
Science as a Context for English Language Development: Exploring the Practical and Theoretical Implications for Teacher Professional Development STEM Practice-Rich Investigations for NGSS Teaching (…
Organization An Integrated Instructional Model for Accelerating Student Achievement in Science and Literacy in Grades 1-2
We invite new and returning awardees to take part in the upcoming NSF Nuts & Bolts webinar, hosted by CADRE on Monday, December 16, 2:00-3:00PM EST. The webinar is designed to introduce awardees to the ins and…
A Research Design Conference: How Can Digital Resources Increase Collaboration and Support Teachers Implementing Standards? Learning Labs: Using Videos, Exemplary STEM Instruction and Online Teacher…
Organization Learning Algebra and Methods for Proving (LAMP) Synchronous Online Professional Learning Experiences for Middle Grades Mathematics Teachers in Rural Contexts…
Publication Other CADRE Abt Associates, Inc. Community for Advancing Discovery Research in…
Written for CADRE by ABT AssociatesOctober 9, 2013 Download the PDF (Note that the PDF includes links to projects associated with each of the report's findings.) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Methodology…
This webinar is one of a series of webinars led by NSF to share information about the DR K-12 program and solicitation. September 24 (Tuesday), 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT Presenter: Elizabeth VanderPuttenPowerPoint…
This meeting will highlight issues in the NRC reports, Successful K-12 STEM Education and Monitoring Progress Toward Successful K-12 STEM Education, with special focus on the critical importance of STEM learning and early…